Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thursday day 17

Been a funny day for me. That tsunami threat yesterday really threw me and I slept really badly with bad dreams. I feel out of synch and  a bit woozy and brain foggy today as a result. And I find this menu day hard for me as there is so much to prepare and also to eat. I really miss my little bit of carbs (oatmeal) in the morning and find the omelette OK but would have the oatmeal any day personally. I cant blame the lack of oatmeal for the wooziness, as I did not have that issue the first day I did this menu day. Must be the lack of sleep that is jading me, early bed tonight...

Weightloss has slowed on the scales. Was 2.5 kg lost in the first week, 1.5 kg second week and only 500grams so far this week (total 4.5 kg). My measurements are kind of up and down, probably where i am measuring, that's why I like my friend Jo, who is a personal trainer to do it. I know I'm getting smaller, the pants I was glad to get into a couple of weeks ago are now quite loose, to the extent my husband said I needed new pants (already). I was going to get a new pair when I go to Auckland tommorow, but cant see the point as I estimate I will lose nearly ten kilos on this six weeks. the pants wont fit me again in 3 weeks. So I'll hold off.

It's a very busy day for me tommorow as I am off to AKL for the night and not back til Sat, so I have to organise to take all my food (and kids food), bedding etc etc with us. Hard to organise with such a fuzzy brain, though feeling better after the fresh tomato tonight. Hope I will get access to the internet, otherwise my post may be late Sat night, for Friday. Depends on access.

wake up 7.30am
breakfast 9.30 am Omelette with 2 whole eggs, 2 egg whites, 1 cup silverbeet, 3 sliced mushrooms, 1 diced red onion. 1x orange
11.30 morning tea Quick Smoothie with 12.5 grams protein powder, with 1c water, 1 TBSP p/butter with half a banana rather than the berry option
1.00 mexican salad (left over from last time) with 95 grams tinned tuna (had no other lean protein left) and .5 cup of kidney beans meant for afternoon tea as I was feeling really full and knew I would not be able to eat afternoon tea later

4pm 1 exotic fruits herbal tea

7pm dinner salmon patties, 1 tomato, 1c cauliflower, 1/4c carrots (my husband put honey in the carrots, which I did not realise untl the second piece, thought they were just sweet carrots. I told him it was like giving an alcholic Christmas cake with sherry in it (which I have inadvertantly done myself..shame...), so I had the honey without knowing it. Was not happy as I have been 100% sticking to this plan, so it was an accidental honey dose, not much he assures me. He wont be doing that again..!)

FLUIDS 3 litres + herbal teas


(elliptical on resistance level 5) 5 minute warmup. 2min high, 2 mins medium intensity x 4

Get Ups (with straight arm, yes!) ***with 5 kg weight*** 13,13,13
Push ups 16 , 16, 16 to failure
Burpees with jump (1 kg weight in each hand) 15,15,15

Walking lunges with weight 18,18,18 per leg
Standing band rotations 15,15,15 (I brought a high resistance band as felt I would be strong enough and it is fine, medium would have been too easy)

Band pulldowns 15,15,15

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