Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sat day 34

Thank God it's rest day. I so needed this rest day. Then I heard from family wanting to spontaneously visit in a few hours for dinner and stay the night. Which is great but the house was  mess as i'd been sick and guest room needed total spring clean as been out of use over winter. So I sent three hours plus in serious cardio housework. Rest day was not so restful, but good to getthat housework one and have visitors

wake up 7.10
7.30 BF 3/4 hot cereal mix, then cook, add 1/2 c quinoa
11 quickshake
12.50 2 c spinach, 1 sliced hard boiled egg, 1/2 sliced chicken breast, 4 sliced mushrooms, 2 TBSP oile oil + lemon
3.30 1c blueberries form pm snack that I dont usually eat afetr dinner. I used to think these berries were a luxury but they are a nescessity!

6.30pm 140  g steak, 1/2 c asparagus, salad with a little tomato and cucumber. My stirfry did not happen as had guests and too shagged after all the cleaning and still being sick to cook 2 meals!But tried to have same ingrdients, different way

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