Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wed day 24, 2nd day of calorie cycling

Weighed and after the first days calorie cycling yesterday lost 400 grams. Had a good day today, not feeling hungry but sure know when it's meal time..! You can't slack and be late! Workout was good too. I put my round plates on my bar for all applicable excercises and so was able to lift my weights up to 5kg per side (10 kg total). That made it a lot more challenging, as it was too easy before and I went to failure on the lunges with the extra weight. And luckily my nicked resistance band coped with the workout today, hope it last til the replacement arrives!

FOOD (half portion day)
Wake up 7.30
BF 8.45 1 egg, 1 eggwhite , 3/4 c silverbeet, 2 small mushrooms, 1/4 cup capsicum, 1/2 onion plus 1/2 of an orange

morning tea quick smoothie 1/2 scoop of protein powder (about 8 grams). 1/2 TBSP P/B. 1/2 c mixed berries, 1/2 c water.

Lunch 1pm. Half of the half portion remaining of the mexican salad with 75grams chicken. 1/2 TBSP olive oil + lemon

4pm afternoon tea 1/4 c kidney beans

Dinner 5.30 75 g fresh fish (should have been tinned slamon but we so very rarely have fresh fish and it was beautiful too. Other 1/4 of the mexican salad, with no dressing (as same sort of thing as in the salmon patties anyway) 1/2 c green beans.

3 litres. + couple of herbal teas

( did not see the increase in time on high, until second read of the email after workout sorry! Will do from tommorow)
Jacknife on ball 12,12,12 (they were fun, ball trying to roll and me trying to stabilise it, did not fall off...!)

Single arm band pull downs 12,13,13
Alt lunges with curl (upped to 5 kg weights today) 14,13,13 to failure (harder with more weight now, good exercise though)
Pushups superset 12,13,13
Dumbell bench press on ball (upped to 5kg weights) 20,20,20 (upped weight and reps, as not too hard for me. I am used to benchpressing 5 kgs each side for a whole song in Pump... I will try 6kg per side tommorow that will really slow me down!
Squat, curl, press (5kg weights) 13,13,14
Band rotations on ball 14,14,14


Helen said...

Hi Kim, I'm calorie cycling, but I've actually gained weight! I know that I'm not supposed to be focusing on that, but I don't want to be the Incredible Hulk! My legs are really bulking up! I'm used to pressing 80kg on the leg press, so the little 4kg dumbbells I'm using shouldn't be making big muscles??? Anyway, congrats on your successes!

Girl Who Got Real said...

Cant remember if I already recommended your read Strong Women Stay Slim, by Miriam Nelson. You will not become Incredible Hulk. Lean muscle is building and that is good! The more muscle you have the faster your metabolisim burns, even whilst you sleep. I want to lose fat and gain muscle now I understand a bit more of the physiology and benefits of it. I know some very fit women, with little fat and much muscle and none of them are hulkish, they just look lean and toned. See the calorie cycling through for the three days and then judge of it has worked for you or not, maybe it does not. We're all different. So how are your total measurements going since you started FLP? I did not lose weight today (Thurs) but found my arms have gone down 2cm in the last week or so. Waist remains at 5cm down.

Carla C said...

Hi Kim - dropping by to say 'way to go, girl' and encourage another FLP GP! I haven't measured body parts yet, but the scale trips down a little every day. The chin downs are tougher than I thought they'd be. Coach Rylan made them look effortless. :)