Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tuesday 16

Thank you to all those who left kind comment and suggestion on the gosleeveless blog and my blog about "how to comfort yourself when cant have comfort food"

I am going to start a new post with all those ideas and more and add as I think of them, please feel free to add your ideas too for all of us to share.

 Blog delayed due to electirical storm tonight, PC needs to be off!

7.30am wake up
8.15 smoothie 1c water, 1 banana, 1c berries, 1/2cwhole flake oats, 4TBSP plain low fat yoghurt, 1 TBSP flax seeds, 40 grams vanilla whey protein powder. Had 1/2 of that. 1

10.30 am snack, other half of smoothie

1pm Lunch .95 grams tuna in water, 2 cups lettuce, 1 tomato, 1/2 cup cucumber, 1/4 c green and red peppers, 1/4 cup red kidney beans, Coaches dressing. 1 apple
3.45 afternoon tea 70grams chicken, 1/2 c carrot, 1c cauli with 1 TBSP peanut butter (borrowed fat from tonights salad, will ahve no dressing..).
Dinner 6.45pm 1 tomato, 120g steak with no fat, 1/4 cup cooked cabbage and 3/4 cup brocilii and cauli mix

FLUID 3.4 litres

(elliptical on resistance level 4) 5 miniute warmup. 2min high, 2 mins medium intensity x 4

Get Ups (with straight arm, yes!) with 2.5 kg weight 22,22,22
Push ups 16 , 16 (to failure), 16 (+5 % better than last time) to failure
Burpees with jump (1 kg weight in each hand) 11,11,11
Walking lunges with weight 14,14,14 (I was doing 14 a side (alt) and then saw it was 7 each leg = 14, oh well, doing it that way now, just keep on going!
Standing band rotations (10 in each direction) 11,11,11 (I brought a high resistance band as felt I would be strong enough and it is fine, medium would have been too easy)
Band pulldowns 14,14,14


Ginny said...

great job, you are way ahead in the number of reps, yo uare an inspiration to me!(again)

Girl Who Got Real said...

I just do what it feels challenges me on each exercise. It takes me 21mins for the cardio and then about 13 - 17 mins per circuit approx, so over an hour, how about you?