Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day 9 - complete

10.30 am Finding the workouts even harder this week as doing advanced versions of last week, so challenging me. Shaking a bit, just finished, took 1 whole hour today, usually 45 mins. Had low energy before i started. Decided no need to add weight to squats as i am doing them very deeply and find 17 is challenging this way.
6.15pm. Feeling quite shattered still. Will be going to bed as soon as possible. Had a hot bath and it helped the aches a bit. Hope I am feeling better/less aching and more energised tommorow, none the less I did it all.

Although this is titled day 9, it's actually my 10th day and Wednesday here. Right now I am feeling glad only two more exercise days before rest on Sat. Usually I like it, but just right now feeling so tired. Those harder pushups and tricep dips have me sore. I've been through this before when i started other new tough exercises that I had never done before and I have about 3 days aching and then I come right. Day 4 in the morning, so hopefully better.
EXERCISE 9.15 -10.15

5 min warm up (Les Mills Pump warmup track)
Elliptical on resistance no 4 High power for 2 mins, medium power for 2.15 mins

No warm down, straight to strength after a glass of water
Shoulder Squat (with 2.5 kg weights) (taking elbows to knees, deep, really focussing on form) 17,18,17
Step Ups (with 2.5 kg weights) using alternate legs 17,17,17
Push Ups (real push ups on toes) 9 (to failure),10 (+5% deeper than yesterday),9 (+10% deeper than yesterday) Pushups are improving daily, GOAL end of week 3 to get reasonable form)
Burpees with dumbells (no jump) done with 1 kg weights 13,13,12
Bench Dip (on chair with crossed feet) 10(to failure), 11 (to failure), 10 (to failure)
Get ups with 1x 2.5 kg weight with straight arm up, alternating arms 18,18,18

rest 60 seconds between cicuits

6am wake up early for some stupid reason

7.15 breakfast Breakfast 7.45am 1c whole oats, 1TBSP sliced almonds, 1 TBSP flax seed, 1x apple. 1x golden kiwifruit tea

11 morning tea
1/2 cup lowfat plain yoghurt. 1/2c berries

12.50 Banana (needed the energy boost). 160 grams grilled chicken breast. 2 cups lettuce. 1/4 c carrot grated carrot, 1/4 cup red and green pepper, 1/2 c tomato. Wildberry tea

3.45 pm afternoon tea
1tsp peanut butter. 1 apple. 1x wildberry tea

150 grams chicken, 1 cup mixed brocolli and cauliflower and brussell sprout. No salad, just too full/tired tonight to eat anymore.


FLUIDS 3.2 litres water + 3 herbal teas

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