They've got a lot to answer for and there is at least one in every town. They target kindergarden kids with their (scary) clown. We all know it's crap food. I can count on one hand the number of times I've been under the golden arches with my kids. And the more I know about obesity and the effects on both adults and children, the less inclined I am to go there.
It saddens me to see queues of cars waiting for the drivethrough filled with supersized kids and parents too lazy to walk the 10 metres from the carpark to the actual McDonalds (sorry I refuse to call it a a "restaurant"!). I see parents bringing their kids McD's, KFC or fish and chips for lunch at school. Or the kids with no fruit in their lunch box, only processed food, unhappy little packets of fat, salt, sugar and colouring.
I'm almost through reading "Generation Extra Large. Rescuing Our Children From the Epidemic of Obesity". It's very interesting and pretty scary with global examples of obesity issues in children. One part of the book said something like "you wouldnt deliberately give your kids an illness, yet we happily give our kids foods (and too much of them) that CAUSE obesity related disease such as heart, cancer, sroke and of course diabetes." The "Happy Meal" with obligatory toy is really an UN happy meal.
I could go on and on and not change anyones mind about this, but I guess all I can say is what we DO now in our family...(the kids and adults that is, we don't make them be healthy and then sit down and chow into chocolate bars while they have carrot sticks..). It's taken years to slowly get to this point to "evolve" from whole tubs of 2 litre icecram in one sitting, half a plate of mashed potato per person and full fat blue milk and tasty cheese
- Have meals together as a family at the table every night
- Kids eat snacks at the table, never in front of TV or PC
- Try to eat dinner without the distraction of the news on, still working on this one...
- Kids have sandwiches, at least one piece of fruit and usually a yoghurt for lunch each day
- Use trim milk for the whole family
- Family Fun Cardio Day on Sundays (as opposed to a food based activity such as going to a cafe)
- Kids walk to school as many times a week as possible
- Kids encouraged to do outdoor play, climb trees etc as much as possible rather than sit inside on PC/Playstation (this one is still being finetuned and summer means more opportunity to be outside running around)
- Use edam cheese and feta and only occasionally
- Dinner is a lean protein of some type with veges and/or salad. Sausages are rare. Mince is rare and I use low fat premium mince when I do make it. I find 300 grams will make enough for a whole family of 4 once I've added all the tomoatoes and vegetables. on the odd occasion I make homemade hamburgers with wholemeal buns.
- Pudding would be rare, maybe 3x a month. I will make fresh fruit salad, they LOVE icecream, stewed rhubarb or apple crumble.
- Party foods are for parties only. This includes crisps, lollies, fizzy drink, red sausages.
- We have whole fruit rather than fruit juce
- Drinks = water or milk, no sugar drinks
- Allow dried fruits, nuts and seeds but small quantities as high calorie
- Encourage an afterschool sport (10 year old does basketball)
- Chocolate would be a rare treat, 2-3 x a year. Especially when we go camping, a bar of chocolate around the campfire is pretty good!
- No processed food really, we make everything from scratch like pasta sauce, gravy, all meals. We dont buy anything much already made except perhaps tomato sauce, jam/peanutbutter, marmite, milo and multigrain bread.
- Moving to low GI breakfast cereals for all. I have been low GI breakfasts for over a year with whole oats way up there on my "yummy, filling and healthy" scale. I do them as several porridge recipes with nuts, fruit and seeds, or as a muesli. I have eliminated the sugar cereals totally such as pre made muselis (I make my own), nutragrain, coco pops, honey puffs etc. I buy a small bag of rice bubbles (high GI) a week and when they're gone, they're gone...
- Encourage more water drinking. They're improving but still dont get enough water, certainly not 8 glasses a day
- No nutella (icing sugar for bread...)
- No fish fingers or any crumbed processed meats/fish
- No salami or high fat small goods
- Grow veges in the garden
- Have planted fruit trees..waiting...!
- No KFC. No McD's etc
- Takeaways only about 2x a year when we're out and about and stuck (we used to have them once a week..)
- Plan food for all trips, take lunch and water etc with us (chicken, rolls and salad etc) rather than be forced to spend a lot more money on less healthier options
- Kids cook, so they can learn to cook.
- Kids help shop so they can learn about choosing healthier options at the supermarket and read labels etc
- Baking would be about once a month or so and will be healthy wholemeal, low fat versions of muffins, biscuits or the odd cake
We're all happy with this lifestyle and I'd say fairly healthy. As I said it has taken many years of slow gradual change to get to this point. I still feel I'd like to see everyone more active (less TV/PC) and drinking more water, but we're pretty much there.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
My Fellow FLP Guinea Pigs success
I am loving my fellow "Guinea Pigs" fatloss stories fom the Go Sleeveless 6 week Fatloss Project. here's the links...
(more coming..)
I'm going well, keeping to the nutrition plan, with the exception of a couple of glasses on wine on Saturday night and a piece of my own wholemeal bread made all healthy. The bread was nice but I have no plans to go back to all the bread I used to eat (4-6 slices of toast for BF and 4, 6 or 8 slices for sandwiches at lunch...) Argghhh! far too much bread, even wholegrain etc Now I LOVE my salad with lean protein, it is so filling. Lunch never used to fill me up, now it does.
I'm continuing to lose weight and HAD to buy a new bra today as the old size was just falling off me and no support whatsoever.
Another SUCCESS for me yesterday, I was twiddling with my rings and my wedding ring came off easily. This ring has been stuck on my hand for 20 years now (not that I wanted to remove it) but I could not, it was just so small and my finger had got so much bigger, it was well and truly stuck and would not even turn. Although I weigh in the early 90 kgs right now (down from 128 kgs), this ring fitted me when I weighed 65 kg. So although the scales show 90 +, my fingers are down where they were at 65 kg. My body is getting smaller even though the scales continue to lie. I am now a size 14 top or a medium, which is "normal" as far as I am concerned. The bottom bits are size 18, just heading into size 16. Today I
"had" to buy new pants and a new top, as I gave away my "fat" clothes, helped by Coaches encouragement . Not only do thes epnats have a wasitband but they actually look better with the shirt tucked in, instead of hanging over to hide everything as I used to. Next I need to go and buy one of those big belts to really show off the cinched in waist (in progress). I have had to avoid belts which I loved in the 80s. Now I'm lookiing for a big red one!!!! The thrill of those new clothes is just indescribable! Before I would buy what would actually fit and still dislike it most of the time, but options are limited (and expensive) at size 24/26 pants...
All is so very good. look forward to other success stories soon
(more coming..)
I'm going well, keeping to the nutrition plan, with the exception of a couple of glasses on wine on Saturday night and a piece of my own wholemeal bread made all healthy. The bread was nice but I have no plans to go back to all the bread I used to eat (4-6 slices of toast for BF and 4, 6 or 8 slices for sandwiches at lunch...) Argghhh! far too much bread, even wholegrain etc Now I LOVE my salad with lean protein, it is so filling. Lunch never used to fill me up, now it does.
I'm continuing to lose weight and HAD to buy a new bra today as the old size was just falling off me and no support whatsoever.
Another SUCCESS for me yesterday, I was twiddling with my rings and my wedding ring came off easily. This ring has been stuck on my hand for 20 years now (not that I wanted to remove it) but I could not, it was just so small and my finger had got so much bigger, it was well and truly stuck and would not even turn. Although I weigh in the early 90 kgs right now (down from 128 kgs), this ring fitted me when I weighed 65 kg. So although the scales show 90 +, my fingers are down where they were at 65 kg. My body is getting smaller even though the scales continue to lie. I am now a size 14 top or a medium, which is "normal" as far as I am concerned. The bottom bits are size 18, just heading into size 16. Today I
"had" to buy new pants and a new top, as I gave away my "fat" clothes, helped by Coaches encouragement . Not only do thes epnats have a wasitband but they actually look better with the shirt tucked in, instead of hanging over to hide everything as I used to. Next I need to go and buy one of those big belts to really show off the cinched in waist (in progress). I have had to avoid belts which I loved in the 80s. Now I'm lookiing for a big red one!!!! The thrill of those new clothes is just indescribable! Before I would buy what would actually fit and still dislike it most of the time, but options are limited (and expensive) at size 24/26 pants...
All is so very good. look forward to other success stories soon
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
One year of weightloss, the results with pics!
The other day I posted my FLP results for the six week Fat Loss Project from Go Sleeveless and Coach Rylan, which I totally recommend!!!
Today I post my results for the ENTIRE year of weightloss, which includes FLP in the last six weeks since I started on Oct 28 2008. Even I am blown away by these results..! It has been a long focussed year and I have done it day by day, step by step and suddenly I am one year on and have met and exceeded my goals for the first year. Now I have to acknowledge the first years work and then get down to business for the next year..(I started Monday morning with an FLP workout, game on!)
OK, here are the results for the entire year..the envelope please..!
Weight Before 128 kg
After 92.6 - loss of 35.4kg
Bust before 119cm, now 104, down 14cm!
Hips were 150.5, now 128, down 22.5cm!
Waist, was 103, now 84, down 19cm!
Upper arm was 45, now 38, down 7cm!
Thigh was 84cm, now 76cm, down 8cm!
Ankle was 27cm, now 26cm, down 1 cm
Neck was 36, now 34, down 2cm
That's a total loss of 79.5 cm from my entire body..that is mind blowing.
Fat results down. My personal trainer and best bud Jo from Hauraki Fitness centre has been measuring my fat on my tricep, bicep and back with her little caliper thingies. It was now possible to measure the ab for the first time ever now too as as there was simply too much before. She estimates my body fat was about 50 percent...It is now 37.5% with 26% being at the upper end of "normal", so I am getting there.
A lot of the first part of the journey is on my first blog at
Today I revisited and wrote down in my book, my weightloss/fitness goals for the short, medium and longer term. One goal was fit a pair of size 16 jeans as I am now comfortably in 18s. So I thought I'd try the pair on to see how far away ot would be, thinking beginning of next year maybe, as last time I'd tried them about 6 weeks ago they were about 3 inches away from zipping together. Tried them today and they zipped up, no worries! I am astounded, two jeans sizes in only about 8 weeks! They did not look great, I would not waer them out yet as they were a bit tight and maybe not the right cut anyway for me. They were just a pair given by a friend that I was using as a "goal post", so TICK to that goal!!!!!
Here's some pics of before and after (well let's call them "during" as I am just over half way there). There are bugger all of me bigger at 128 kg, for obvious reasons...and I am still learning to make friends with the camera now...(as subject, not photographer)

At the Napier Art Deco Picnic. I really wanted to wear one of those fringy sleeevless flapper dresses but at size 24/26 pants, it was not possible to "dress up" the way I wanted. I had a good time that day but then saw the photos, OMG, yet it still did not inspire me to lose weight, that came later...
Arms as big as thighs here...
Sept 09 (below) you can see the arms are now a lot smaller

"after one year" back shot (others did not turn out..) Now wearing size 18 pants, looking for size 14 (denim!) jeans comfortably as my ultimate goal. I'm more than happy as a 14, I like my curves, I look really good at size 14. Dont want to be a stick...
Today I post my results for the ENTIRE year of weightloss, which includes FLP in the last six weeks since I started on Oct 28 2008. Even I am blown away by these results..! It has been a long focussed year and I have done it day by day, step by step and suddenly I am one year on and have met and exceeded my goals for the first year. Now I have to acknowledge the first years work and then get down to business for the next year..(I started Monday morning with an FLP workout, game on!)
OK, here are the results for the entire year..the envelope please..!
Weight Before 128 kg
After 92.6 - loss of 35.4kg
Bust before 119cm, now 104, down 14cm!
Hips were 150.5, now 128, down 22.5cm!
Waist, was 103, now 84, down 19cm!
Upper arm was 45, now 38, down 7cm!
Thigh was 84cm, now 76cm, down 8cm!
Ankle was 27cm, now 26cm, down 1 cm
Neck was 36, now 34, down 2cm
That's a total loss of 79.5 cm from my entire body..that is mind blowing.
Fat results down. My personal trainer and best bud Jo from Hauraki Fitness centre has been measuring my fat on my tricep, bicep and back with her little caliper thingies. It was now possible to measure the ab for the first time ever now too as as there was simply too much before. She estimates my body fat was about 50 percent...It is now 37.5% with 26% being at the upper end of "normal", so I am getting there.
One year ago, I studiously avoided doing any exercise, I ate somewhat healthily, but far too much of it. My first walk on day one, after about 2 or 3 minutes I was red all over and my skin was itching like hell from the all the jiggling. It took about three weeks for the jiggly itchies to go away and I walked a little further everyday. By about six weeks I got really brave and slowly jogged one lamppost, then walked one. I was so surprised when I did not fall over wehn I tried to run. Fast forward and I am whole lot fitter and doing real pushups!
A lot of the first part of the journey is on my first blog at
Today I revisited and wrote down in my book, my weightloss/fitness goals for the short, medium and longer term. One goal was fit a pair of size 16 jeans as I am now comfortably in 18s. So I thought I'd try the pair on to see how far away ot would be, thinking beginning of next year maybe, as last time I'd tried them about 6 weeks ago they were about 3 inches away from zipping together. Tried them today and they zipped up, no worries! I am astounded, two jeans sizes in only about 8 weeks! They did not look great, I would not waer them out yet as they were a bit tight and maybe not the right cut anyway for me. They were just a pair given by a friend that I was using as a "goal post", so TICK to that goal!!!!!
Here's some pics of before and after (well let's call them "during" as I am just over half way there). There are bugger all of me bigger at 128 kg, for obvious reasons...and I am still learning to make friends with the camera now...(as subject, not photographer)
At the Napier Art Deco Picnic. I really wanted to wear one of those fringy sleeevless flapper dresses but at size 24/26 pants, it was not possible to "dress up" the way I wanted. I had a good time that day but then saw the photos, OMG, yet it still did not inspire me to lose weight, that came later...
Sept 09 (below) you can see the arms are now a lot smaller
"after one year" back shot (others did not turn out..) Now wearing size 18 pants, looking for size 14 (denim!) jeans comfortably as my ultimate goal. I'm more than happy as a 14, I like my curves, I look really good at size 14. Dont want to be a stick...
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Post FLP, the results!!!

Fun Cardio, did NOT include the family this weekend...LOL, it was lounging in an outdoor bath in the bush and other cardio I shall not go into here...(again picture nicked of the outdoor bath has been nicked off the website as I always forget the camera).
Hi again all Guinea Pigs, I can’t wait to see your results on the go sleeveless blog. I'll cut to the chase and give you mine for the six week FLP in a nut shell here ...
Weight 93.2kg (was 101.8kg)
Bust 104cm (was 107 cm)
Waist 84cm (was 89cm)
Hips 128cm (was 132cm)
Right upper arm 38cm (was 40.5)
That’s a total loss of 14.5 cm from those key areas, but I also lost off the neck and ankle and 8.6kg in weight.
So post FLP I have been having a bit of R and R, rest and literally - recovery for the past week. I went to Les Mills Pump (a one hour strength training class with weights) on Tuesday and Thursday and found it hard. It used to be fairly easy and I was way up in weights, this week I had to cut most tracks back in weight and I wondered how I ever did 20 kgs on the back track...! (only could do 15kg) and I was sweating like mad and sore for days afterwards. This is a good sign that it worked though. To be honest I have not done much else and have been aching like hell.
I've happily stuck to the FLP plan food wise and calorie cycled Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Funny week, lost and then gained, up and down, but I was not too worried. At the end of the week I had lost about 200grams with only two days of exercise, so not so bad. Really needed that "time out".
But now I am feeling refreshed, revived and getting excited again about the Go Sleeveless Workout Of The Month club. I am starting to set some new goal and new visualisations for the next years journey ahead too, still have the “old ones” and mulling some new ones….
I have now lost 35 kg in just on one year and my friend said to me today, that although the transformation has been dramatic, these last 20 (or less) kilos will be even more dramatic. That really got my wheels spinning because I feel really really good now. It's quite ***delicious**** to think ahead to looking even better and wearing even nicer clothes and lingerie...wohoo...!@!!!
Speaking of lingerie and back to "fun cardio weekends", my husband and I just got back from our weekend away up at Coromandel for our 20th wedding anniversary. Though it took a little coaxing initially but I actually got in the outdoor bath, in the daytime (yes au naturale). I can tell you I would not have done it even in the dark a year ago! It was lovely lying in the sunshine in the warm water looking through the trees to the blue sky (we stayed at Indigo Bush Studio), we do recommend it as a very special place, light years nicer than any motel, if you're ever up Coromandel Peninsula way. And yes the new lingerie came out, roll on more, more, more as there is less, less, less!
Now as it was a special day I DID allow myself some large leeway on the food. I had FLP breakfast and am snack on Sat and then we had lunch at Peppertree Restaurant in Coromandel, outside, alfresco under their 100 year old peppertree. So yes I had planned to have WINE!!! I chose well for entree and main, entree was cerviche of fresh fish with red onion and lime juice (and coconut milk) (only bad bit) and rocket salad. Main was a duck salad again on rocket with cointreau dipped mandarins, YUMMY!!!! We felt like neither red or white wine and instead chose a Rose Noir from Ohui vineyard from the local Coromandel Peninsula region. It was divine, peaches and cream tasting, very light, perfect in the sun.
Then I went a bit astray on the dessert as I had decided to allow myself chocolate and berries for this special occasion. Had not had chocolate for over a year and I seriously love berries. The only thing answering that description was a chocolate cheesecake with berries. Very very nice and I did not eat the biscuit crusty bit (aren’t I good!), but it was decent portion of a white choc piece AND a dark chocolate piece and I have not had dairy for seven weeks now, cream for much much longer than that and I felt a bit stonked. But then to top it off, my husband ordered pinacoladas as we'd heard the Pinacolada song in the car on the way up - and that really finished me people. I tell you, cream is off my menu. Once a year Christmas Pavalova and that's it. I just can’t handle it. I was bloated and uncomfortable for hours afterwards. So full I could hardly drink my bubby in the outdoor bath, how bad is that!
My husband had battered fish with chips as a main and I am so glad I chose away from that, yuck...
So lesson learned, no cream! And also check the menu first, if they don’t have healthy(-ier) dishes, don’t go there. I knew this one did so it was perfect.
So back into it again next week, will weigh in the am, probably put on like a kilo or more from all my wine and food efforts this weekend, but hey it was a one off 20th wedding anniversary and you’ve got to enjoy life and let loose a bit *sometimes*. I didn't blow the whole weekend at all, just the few things I chose to. Next day I cooked oatmeal with apple for us for breakfast and we drank the rest of the bubbly with it (goes surprisingly well?!). For lunch we had oysters off the rocks on the coast on the way home, can’t tell you where - don’t want people figuring out we live in paradise with free oysters to boot!
So this weekend was a really empowering experience to know I can choose to eat well, even at restaurants and a good lesson learned on the cream. I also learned I must keep eating every three hours or so, or I get really hungry and then I eat too much and feel sick as I can only handle small portions now (dinner was quite late and I ate too much steak as ravenous due to time lapse and bubbly on board..)
Oh and I had a latte on Sunday (trim milk) and it was neither here or nor there, could take it leave it. Think I’ll generally leave it, coffee and tea no longer have any hold on me, and the bubbly I would usually guzzle, I had about one glass and that was all I could manage (who is this person?!)
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Sun, fast paced trot past historic shops and houses of Thames
(Pics: I was so busy walking fast, I did not take pics but here are few stolen ones off the web of some of the main street old wooden buildings here)
Today I was finally feeling a lot better after the blimin awful headcold of the past week. I am finally caught up on my blog as i could not post when so very sick, it is now 11pm at night with all this blog catching upping...
It was a windy rainy day one minute and sun the next (very spring-ish). I did not want the kids out in the rain and wind and had a hankering for a really fast walk by myself. So started at one end of town at the historic old wooden shops from the goldrush era (Thames is famous for it's goldmining history) and walked a quick clip all the way down to the end under the covered verandahs, it's apparently one mile long. Walked back and I'd only done 30 mins So I went the opposite way down little old lanes looking at all the lovely old villas and miners cottages and old gold mine shafts. Many old houses were covered in wisteia and rambling roses, heavenly!!! Just more fuel on the fire of why I love living here! (I love old buildings and history). We only moved here about 18 months ago from big city life in Auckland and I am still head over heels with our lovely town.
wake up 8am
Smoothie 8.45 am (half of it)
10.30 second half of smoothie
Luch 1pm
95g tuna. 1TBSP olive oil, 1/4 c red/green peppers, 1 chopped cucumber, 1/4c kidney beans, 2 very small apples
3.20 2 oz walnuts (from pm snack)
75g cooked chicken breast
7pm dinner 140 g chickn, 1 c pf combined capsicum, green beans, cauli, red onion and cooked silverbeet
Today I was finally feeling a lot better after the blimin awful headcold of the past week. I am finally caught up on my blog as i could not post when so very sick, it is now 11pm at night with all this blog catching upping...
It was a windy rainy day one minute and sun the next (very spring-ish). I did not want the kids out in the rain and wind and had a hankering for a really fast walk by myself. So started at one end of town at the historic old wooden shops from the goldrush era (Thames is famous for it's goldmining history) and walked a quick clip all the way down to the end under the covered verandahs, it's apparently one mile long. Walked back and I'd only done 30 mins So I went the opposite way down little old lanes looking at all the lovely old villas and miners cottages and old gold mine shafts. Many old houses were covered in wisteia and rambling roses, heavenly!!! Just more fuel on the fire of why I love living here! (I love old buildings and history). We only moved here about 18 months ago from big city life in Auckland and I am still head over heels with our lovely town.
wake up 8am
Smoothie 8.45 am (half of it)
10.30 second half of smoothie
Luch 1pm
95g tuna. 1TBSP olive oil, 1/4 c red/green peppers, 1 chopped cucumber, 1/4c kidney beans, 2 very small apples
3.20 2 oz walnuts (from pm snack)
75g cooked chicken breast
7pm dinner 140 g chickn, 1 c pf combined capsicum, green beans, cauli, red onion and cooked silverbeet
Sat day 34
Thank God it's rest day. I so needed this rest day. Then I heard from family wanting to spontaneously visit in a few hours for dinner and stay the night. Which is great but the house was mess as i'd been sick and guest room needed total spring clean as been out of use over winter. So I sent three hours plus in serious cardio housework. Rest day was not so restful, but good to getthat housework one and have visitors
wake up 7.10
7.30 BF 3/4 hot cereal mix, then cook, add 1/2 c quinoa
11 quickshake
12.50 2 c spinach, 1 sliced hard boiled egg, 1/2 sliced chicken breast, 4 sliced mushrooms, 2 TBSP oile oil + lemon
3.30 1c blueberries form pm snack that I dont usually eat afetr dinner. I used to think these berries were a luxury but they are a nescessity!
6.30pm 140 g steak, 1/2 c asparagus, salad with a little tomato and cucumber. My stirfry did not happen as had guests and too shagged after all the cleaning and still being sick to cook 2 meals!But tried to have same ingrdients, different way
wake up 7.10
7.30 BF 3/4 hot cereal mix, then cook, add 1/2 c quinoa
11 quickshake
12.50 2 c spinach, 1 sliced hard boiled egg, 1/2 sliced chicken breast, 4 sliced mushrooms, 2 TBSP oile oil + lemon
3.30 1c blueberries form pm snack that I dont usually eat afetr dinner. I used to think these berries were a luxury but they are a nescessity!
6.30pm 140 g steak, 1/2 c asparagus, salad with a little tomato and cucumber. My stirfry did not happen as had guests and too shagged after all the cleaning and still being sick to cook 2 meals!But tried to have same ingrdients, different way
Friday day 33
I was so very glad it was rest day the day. This week had been so hard with this bliming cold, could heardly breathe, such a labour to do this, took longer. Hung in...just. This was my last day of calorie cycling having missed Tues.
wake up 8
9.30 1 boiled egg, hate scrambeled
9.50 1/2 c oatmeal plus 1/2 apple
11.30 1/2 c berries (heaven)
1pm 1 oz walnuts, 95g tuna, 1/2 tomato, 1/2 carrot, 1/2 TBSP oil, lettuce
5pm 1/2 TBSP p/b
6pm 1/2 protion chicken, 1 tomato, 1/2 c aparagus
water 2.5 litres + herbal teas
Jacknife and pushup 14,14, 14 fail
Chin down 14,14,14
Lunge curl press 14,14,14
Toetappers 22/22, 22/22, 22/22 (only to mid cannot cross body...)
Squat curl press 14,14,14
Front dual dumbell raise 14,14,14
wake up 8
9.30 1 boiled egg, hate scrambeled
9.50 1/2 c oatmeal plus 1/2 apple
11.30 1/2 c berries (heaven)
1pm 1 oz walnuts, 95g tuna, 1/2 tomato, 1/2 carrot, 1/2 TBSP oil, lettuce
5pm 1/2 TBSP p/b
6pm 1/2 protion chicken, 1 tomato, 1/2 c aparagus
water 2.5 litres + herbal teas
Jacknife and pushup 14,14, 14 fail
Chin down 14,14,14
Lunge curl press 14,14,14
Toetappers 22/22, 22/22, 22/22 (only to mid cannot cross body...)
Squat curl press 14,14,14
Front dual dumbell raise 14,14,14
Thurs day 32
Slightly better today, still quite sick but was beginning to improve, was going to bed at 8.30 this week to rest as much as poss plus mega water. My notes for food from this day are brief in my book, i wrte in big letters COLD but again I know I was good and did not cheat, I followed it, come hell or high water
This is what I did write..
(2nd day of half portions for me)
wake up 7am, breakfat 9am (half portion of oatmeal recipe)
lunch 12.30 1/2 portion chicken, 1/2 apple plus salad
3.30pm 1/2 apple
dinner 6.30pm full portion of steak + dinner veges (I must have felt I needed the full protein and not the half for dinner)
4+ litres + herbal teas
Jacknife and pushup 14,13 fail, 13 fail
Chin down 13,13,13
Lunge curl press 13,13,13
Toetappers 22/22, 22/22, 22/22 (only to mid cannot cross body...)
Squat curl press 13/13/13
Front dual dumbell raise 13/13/13
This is what I did write..
(2nd day of half portions for me)
wake up 7am, breakfat 9am (half portion of oatmeal recipe)
lunch 12.30 1/2 portion chicken, 1/2 apple plus salad
3.30pm 1/2 apple
dinner 6.30pm full portion of steak + dinner veges (I must have felt I needed the full protein and not the half for dinner)
4+ litres + herbal teas
Jacknife and pushup 14,13 fail, 13 fail
Chin down 13,13,13
Lunge curl press 13,13,13
Toetappers 22/22, 22/22, 22/22 (only to mid cannot cross body...)
Squat curl press 13/13/13
Front dual dumbell raise 13/13/13
Wednesday - sickest day
Just when i thought it could not get worse the head cold turned to a head and chest cold and I could hardly breathe plus a vice was sqaushing my head (that is why I am only writing this now days later..). Lucky I use my book journal and can write it up from there as those days are a total blur
Start half portions today and ran thru to Friday instead as missed yesterday
Wake up 7am
10am 1 egg, 1 egg white, 1 c silverbeet, 1/4 cup capsicum, 1.5 mushrooms, 1/2 onopm 1/2 banana
12.30 Smoothie (half version), I use water with 11grams of protein powder as my muscles were very sore and I felt i needed protein for repair being so run down this week, 1/2 c berries, 1/2 TBSP p/B
m/tea 1/2 of the half of what was left of the mexican sald prepared earlier in week, 80g chicken
4pm 1/4 cup kidney beans
6pm 95g salmon (forgot to half due to fuzzy head), other 1/4 of mexican sald, 1 egg, 1 TSP oil, lettuce slad with cucumber and tomato
4+ litres + herbal teas
Jacknife and pushup 12,12,12
Chin down 12,12,12
Lunge curl press 12,12,12
Toetappers 18/18, 18/18,18/18 (only to mid cannot cross body...)
Squat curl press 12,12,12
Front dual dumbell raise 12,12,12
Start half portions today and ran thru to Friday instead as missed yesterday
Wake up 7am
10am 1 egg, 1 egg white, 1 c silverbeet, 1/4 cup capsicum, 1.5 mushrooms, 1/2 onopm 1/2 banana
12.30 Smoothie (half version), I use water with 11grams of protein powder as my muscles were very sore and I felt i needed protein for repair being so run down this week, 1/2 c berries, 1/2 TBSP p/B
m/tea 1/2 of the half of what was left of the mexican sald prepared earlier in week, 80g chicken
4pm 1/4 cup kidney beans
6pm 95g salmon (forgot to half due to fuzzy head), other 1/4 of mexican sald, 1 egg, 1 TSP oil, lettuce slad with cucumber and tomato
4+ litres + herbal teas
Jacknife and pushup 12,12,12
Chin down 12,12,12
Lunge curl press 12,12,12
Toetappers 18/18, 18/18,18/18 (only to mid cannot cross body...)
Squat curl press 12,12,12
Front dual dumbell raise 12,12,12
Smoothie day
Man, I was so sick these days, I did not write my food down, BUT I know I followed the food to the letter, except I did not calorie cycle I was so stuffed in the head and dizzy i forgot. And probably just as well as I proabably needed full power to get better. Even though I was sick, I still stuck to it and did all the excercise though I felt like dying and crying with the effort...
Woke up that morning feeing like I'd been hit by a bus. it was those jacknife pushups, I could tell when I did them again that monring, oww! every time I cough it hurts! Pain is in rib area, upper abdo. BUT even after one dya I can visually SEE the little pad of fat that was there is half the size/leaving, that must be why it's hurting?! Unfortunately I have never measured that part, but i bet it would be down. Had a evry busy day today was just go go go from dawn til dusk and I ahd to write huge lists the day before to plan it all successfully. I did it all, but I forgot one thing, the calorie cycling today. Just as well as I am so so very tired/low on energy and I ahd so much to do and travel int eh car, I couls not have done it on a "half day" today
I DID write down my exercise
Jacknife and pushup 11,11,11
Chin down 11,11,11
Lunge curl press 11.11.11
Toetappers11Fail. 16/16, 16/16 (only to mid cannot cross body...)
Squat curl press 11,11,11
Front dual dumbell raise 11,11,11
Man, 5 + litres, plus copius berry herbal teas to try to drive the cold away
Man, I was so sick these days, I did not write my food down, BUT I know I followed the food to the letter, except I did not calorie cycle I was so stuffed in the head and dizzy i forgot. And probably just as well as I proabably needed full power to get better. Even though I was sick, I still stuck to it and did all the excercise though I felt like dying and crying with the effort...
Woke up that morning feeing like I'd been hit by a bus. it was those jacknife pushups, I could tell when I did them again that monring, oww! every time I cough it hurts! Pain is in rib area, upper abdo. BUT even after one dya I can visually SEE the little pad of fat that was there is half the size/leaving, that must be why it's hurting?! Unfortunately I have never measured that part, but i bet it would be down. Had a evry busy day today was just go go go from dawn til dusk and I ahd to write huge lists the day before to plan it all successfully. I did it all, but I forgot one thing, the calorie cycling today. Just as well as I am so so very tired/low on energy and I ahd so much to do and travel int eh car, I couls not have done it on a "half day" today
I DID write down my exercise
Jacknife and pushup 11,11,11
Chin down 11,11,11
Lunge curl press 11.11.11
Toetappers11Fail. 16/16, 16/16 (only to mid cannot cross body...)
Squat curl press 11,11,11
Front dual dumbell raise 11,11,11
Man, 5 + litres, plus copius berry herbal teas to try to drive the cold away
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday day 29
Cereal was YUM@! and the spinach salad lovely (was not sure on it as i dont dig spinach cooked, but raw it is really nice!). Toe Tappers made me almost cry
wake up 7am
BF 7.30am 2 cups of large flake oats, 1/2 cup of wheat germ,1/4 cup of ground flax seed, 1/4 cup sliced almonds, 1/4 cup of sunflower seeds, 1/4 cup of raisins, 1/4 cup of dried cranberries (unsweetened) 3/4 cup cooked.
Did not add quinoa but cooked some for later in the week to add, we use it a lot in summer here for quinoa salad - a vegetarian dinner
am snack 10.45 Quick shake 10-15 g vanilla protein powder, 1c water, 1/2 banana,
1/2 cup frozen berries
Lunch 1pm Simple Spinach Salad: 2 cups of fresh spinach,1 sliced hard boiled egg,1/2 sliced chicken breast,
3 sliced mushrooms. 2-3 tbsp of oil and lemon juice dressing
Afternoon Snack 3:30pm 1 carrot
5.30 pm feeling totally whacked /low sugar, so had my evening blueberries at this time
Dinner 6:30pm Stir-Fry made with:
2-3 cups -broccoli -mushrooms, cabbage. celery
3/4 cup sirloin steak veggie broth for sautéing and flavoring, 1 tbsp of olive oil. 1 cup of fresh spinach leaves
Cardio (power walking up hills) 5 min warmup, 2.30 high, 2 mins med x5
Jackknife and pressup 10,10,10
Chindown 10,10,10 (my first time on the iron gym, getting used to the fact i wont fall off it/it wont break..!) . Whilst not dropping like a stone, it was pretty quick descent!, will improve daily no doubt
Lunge curl press (with 2.5 kg weights each side) 10,10,10
Toe Tappers, just about cried in frustration, could not do these damn things, thought it did not LOOK hard, but all I can do is get one leg off the ball and move my outside leg in and out to about in line with my hands on the ground, cannot cross beyond that in front of me 0,14/13F,14/14
Squat, crl, press (ewith 2.5 kg weights each side) 10,10,10
Front dual dumbell raise 10,10,10
FLUIDS 3 litres + herbal teas
wake up 7am
BF 7.30am 2 cups of large flake oats, 1/2 cup of wheat germ,1/4 cup of ground flax seed, 1/4 cup sliced almonds, 1/4 cup of sunflower seeds, 1/4 cup of raisins, 1/4 cup of dried cranberries (unsweetened) 3/4 cup cooked.
Did not add quinoa but cooked some for later in the week to add, we use it a lot in summer here for quinoa salad - a vegetarian dinner
am snack 10.45 Quick shake 10-15 g vanilla protein powder, 1c water, 1/2 banana,
1/2 cup frozen berries
Lunch 1pm Simple Spinach Salad: 2 cups of fresh spinach,1 sliced hard boiled egg,1/2 sliced chicken breast,
3 sliced mushrooms. 2-3 tbsp of oil and lemon juice dressing
Afternoon Snack 3:30pm 1 carrot
5.30 pm feeling totally whacked /low sugar, so had my evening blueberries at this time
Dinner 6:30pm Stir-Fry made with:
2-3 cups -broccoli -mushrooms, cabbage. celery
3/4 cup sirloin steak veggie broth for sautéing and flavoring, 1 tbsp of olive oil. 1 cup of fresh spinach leaves
Cardio (power walking up hills) 5 min warmup, 2.30 high, 2 mins med x5
Jackknife and pressup 10,10,10
Chindown 10,10,10 (my first time on the iron gym, getting used to the fact i wont fall off it/it wont break..!) . Whilst not dropping like a stone, it was pretty quick descent!, will improve daily no doubt
Lunge curl press (with 2.5 kg weights each side) 10,10,10
Toe Tappers, just about cried in frustration, could not do these damn things, thought it did not LOOK hard, but all I can do is get one leg off the ball and move my outside leg in and out to about in line with my hands on the ground, cannot cross beyond that in front of me 0,14/13F,14/14
Squat, crl, press (ewith 2.5 kg weights each side) 10,10,10
Front dual dumbell raise 10,10,10
FLUIDS 3 litres + herbal teas
Sunday rest day
Rest Day, did family fun cardio on Sat as it worked out better that way weather wise
FOOD Wake up 8am
BF 9am
Omeltte 2 eggs, 2 egg whites, 1x silverbeet, 1 c capisucms (had no mushrooms, so made it ip with caps), 1 diced onion
10.30 Quick Smoothie w berry option. 1 orange (forgot from BF)
12.30 Lunch 2 c lettuce, 1 c tomato and carrot combined, 150grams chicjkne breast, Coaches dressin. 1 apple
2.301/2 c kidney beans
6pm 1/2 c apasparagus, slices tomato, cucumber and salmon patties
FOOD Wake up 8am
BF 9am
Omeltte 2 eggs, 2 egg whites, 1x silverbeet, 1 c capisucms (had no mushrooms, so made it ip with caps), 1 diced onion
10.30 Quick Smoothie w berry option. 1 orange (forgot from BF)
12.30 Lunch 2 c lettuce, 1 c tomato and carrot combined, 150grams chicjkne breast, Coaches dressin. 1 apple
2.301/2 c kidney beans
6pm 1/2 c apasparagus, slices tomato, cucumber and salmon patties
Sat day 27 Family fun cardio day
(Picture off the Te Aroha Pools website as I forgot my camera)
Weather getting worse and had opportunity to take kids to the hot pools at Te Aroha today and do family fun day today on Sat and rest day on Sunday instead. Horse around as actively as poss in the pool with the kids for 2.5 hours in the water. Te Aroha is an Edwardian spa with lovely hot pools and old wooden buildings set in a park beside a Mount Te Aroha. In the old days people would travel here to "take the waters" (and even drink them) as they were considered therapeutic. There are many thermal areas like this in NZ. most famously Rotorua.
Smoothie (had all for BF/am tea as going on long drive and had BF late)
Smoothie 1c water, 1 banana, 1c berries, 1/2cwhole flake oats, 4TBSP plain low fat yoghurt, 1 TBSP flax seeds, 40 grams vanilla whey protein powder.
12.30pm Lunch...95grams chicken, 2c salad. 1/4c kidney beans, 1/3 long telegraph cucuber, 1/4 cup capsicicim, 1 carrot (swappede pm brocolli for carrot at lunch. Coaches dressing
4pm afternoon tea 1x raw broclli, 1 TBSP peanut butter (swap for oil from dinner)
6.30pm dinner 145g chicken, 11 tomato 3/4 c fresh asparagus. 1x orange (forgot to eat my fruit at lunch somehow)
Weather getting worse and had opportunity to take kids to the hot pools at Te Aroha today and do family fun day today on Sat and rest day on Sunday instead. Horse around as actively as poss in the pool with the kids for 2.5 hours in the water. Te Aroha is an Edwardian spa with lovely hot pools and old wooden buildings set in a park beside a Mount Te Aroha. In the old days people would travel here to "take the waters" (and even drink them) as they were considered therapeutic. There are many thermal areas like this in NZ. most famously Rotorua.
Smoothie (had all for BF/am tea as going on long drive and had BF late)
Smoothie 1c water, 1 banana, 1c berries, 1/2cwhole flake oats, 4TBSP plain low fat yoghurt, 1 TBSP flax seeds, 40 grams vanilla whey protein powder.
12.30pm Lunch...95grams chicken, 2c salad. 1/4c kidney beans, 1/3 long telegraph cucuber, 1/4 cup capsicicim, 1 carrot (swappede pm brocolli for carrot at lunch. Coaches dressing
4pm afternoon tea 1x raw broclli, 1 TBSP peanut butter (swap for oil from dinner)
6.30pm dinner 145g chicken, 11 tomato 3/4 c fresh asparagus. 1x orange (forgot to eat my fruit at lunch somehow)
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Friday day 26, on the road
Another crazy day due to travelling in the car long distance and couold not leave til I had done my workout so I left much later than I would normally and this threw the whole day into delayed mode. Got my iron gym though! Seems a huge challenge right now, but hey I could not do pressups three weeks ago.
Warm up Step warmup 5 mins, High intensity Step 2.30, med intensity Step 2 mins x4
(I have a Step DVD and I can easily fast forward to the high peak cardio tracks and back to the lower intensity cardio tracks, this is way more fun than the boring old eliptical, I dislike/hate! being stuck in one place. Since starting exercise I realise I really like exercising outdoors most (walk/jog etc) or indoors in a group with pumping music.
Jacknife on ball 16,16,16 (fell off once...LOL...)
Single arm band pull downs 16,16,16
Alt lunges with curl (5 kg weights today, 10 kg total ) 20,20,20 to failure (these are the hardest for me, but must be working those legs really good! (and the heart) Nearly lost balance a couple of times)
Pushups superset 15,15,16
Dumbell bench press on ball (5kg weights each side) 30,30,30 (added more reps rather than waste time sticking more weight on and taking it off again.)
Squat, curl, press (5kg weights on each side) 15,15,15
Band rotations on ball 15,15,15 (band held in again, replacement ready to pick up on weekend)
7.30 am wake up
8am 2 hardboiled eggs (hate scrambled!)
8.30 am 1 cup cooked old fashioned oats w cinnamon
10.45 1c blueberries, 2 oz walnuts
1pm Lunch picnic style in the carpark in the rain...1/2 tin tuna, lettuce, 1 tomato, 1 sliced carrot, 1 TSP oilive oil +lemon
was out all afternoon, much longer than expected only food option during priavate house visist was homebacked cake, nice but not fr me. had a herbal tea instead
Long drive home...lots of water, luckily dinner alredy cooked when I got home
Dinner 8pm 100grams chicken, 1 tomato, 1c brocolii and 1TBSP P/B (from afternoon tea). Just realised writing this a day later I missed a piece of fruit somehow...arghh!
Warm up Step warmup 5 mins, High intensity Step 2.30, med intensity Step 2 mins x4
(I have a Step DVD and I can easily fast forward to the high peak cardio tracks and back to the lower intensity cardio tracks, this is way more fun than the boring old eliptical, I dislike/hate! being stuck in one place. Since starting exercise I realise I really like exercising outdoors most (walk/jog etc) or indoors in a group with pumping music.
Jacknife on ball 16,16,16 (fell off once...LOL...)
Single arm band pull downs 16,16,16
Alt lunges with curl (5 kg weights today, 10 kg total ) 20,20,20 to failure (these are the hardest for me, but must be working those legs really good! (and the heart) Nearly lost balance a couple of times)
Pushups superset 15,15,16
Dumbell bench press on ball (5kg weights each side) 30,30,30 (added more reps rather than waste time sticking more weight on and taking it off again.)
Squat, curl, press (5kg weights on each side) 15,15,15
Band rotations on ball 15,15,15 (band held in again, replacement ready to pick up on weekend)
7.30 am wake up
8am 2 hardboiled eggs (hate scrambled!)
8.30 am 1 cup cooked old fashioned oats w cinnamon
10.45 1c blueberries, 2 oz walnuts
1pm Lunch picnic style in the carpark in the rain...1/2 tin tuna, lettuce, 1 tomato, 1 sliced carrot, 1 TSP oilive oil +lemon
was out all afternoon, much longer than expected only food option during priavate house visist was homebacked cake, nice but not fr me. had a herbal tea instead
Long drive home...lots of water, luckily dinner alredy cooked when I got home
Dinner 8pm 100grams chicken, 1 tomato, 1c brocolii and 1TBSP P/B (from afternoon tea). Just realised writing this a day later I missed a piece of fruit somehow...arghh!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Thursday day 25 Too much drama...
---STOP PRESS--- Another Tsunami alert today after an earthquake in Vanuatu. I had just got to the beach with the kids for a school holiday trip when the alert came in. I decided to immediately up sticks and head 15 mins drive up the hills and back home. The alert was then cancelled about 20 minutes later. And I must have worked hard this monring as I was still feeling a little heady and dizzy and the heart racing a bit (endorphin release I guess) and then the Tsunami alert, I was really pumping. It's like you've drunk pots and pots of coffee and I feel a bit spacey and unfocussed and easily irritated. This could also be not only because I worked really hard, but also being on the last cal day. It was almost unsafe to drive I was that spacey, almost like I'd had a few glasses of wine, and I never drink and drive. Too much drama, not much food, hard day, but survived. I would not recommend being in charge of a vehicle over a long distance on a low cal day, after a 1 hour 20 minute hard workout...
No weight loss today, same as yesterday on the calorie cycling. But I know it's not about the scale anymore, so not worried. My arms and legs have been sore which is a sure sign something is happening there. So I measured my arms and found them to be 2 cm smaller than when I started. Waist remains at 5 cm smaller since I started FLP. I think that alone is an awesome result! My husband seems to notice bits of me dropping away everyday, which is also helpful. Last night he said my butt was smaller.
I went back into the wardrobe fuelled by Coaches comments to not keep "fat clothes", a big NO NO and I found more hiding there! Out they went too. I am down to about 9 pieces (so I have some clothes to wear!) and even hung my work out teeshirts in the wardrobe just to make it look less lonely in there! I cant see the need to buy anything new as I am still losing weight obviously and will be for about another year, almost as much as I ahve lost already again. If I ahve an occasion requiring something new, I'll get it or just buy the odd really nice thing on sale. There is no point having to turf out the new wardrobe again in 12 months time - well we cant afford that, I would rather pay the mortgage off faster or buy something more practical/longterm. I did buy a lovely "going out" top months ago and a skirt, which the occasion I brought it for, did not happen. Now I hope I can get one wear out of it for our 20th wedding anniversary at the end of october (after FLP). Quite possibly the size 20 skirt will fall off my waist by then and I've given all my bigger skirts away. Will have to wait and see and if someone else gets a brand new unworn skirt out of it, and I have to buy another that's cool/good!.
Warm up 5 mins, walking up hill. High intensity 2.30, med intensity 2 mins x4 on elilipital, resistance level 6
Jacknife on ball 13,14,13 (fell off twice...never mind...)
Single arm band pull downs 14,14,15
Alt lunges with curl (5 kg weights today, 10 kg total ) 18,18,18 to failure (these did me in, talk about cardio...! nearly lost balance several times, hard these...)
Pushups superset 13,13,15
Dumbell bench press on ball (5kg weights each side) 25,25,25 (added more reps rather than waste time sticking more weight on and taking it off again. I could do more weight on this, but not the alt lunges, that is a max)
Squat, curl, press (5kg weights on each side) 14,14,14
Band rotations on ball 15,15,15 (band held in, no word on replacement..hurry up!)
7.45 wake up
8.15 BF 1/1 apple, 1/2 c oats, 1/2 TBSP almonds, 1/2TBSP flax seeds
11.30 m/tea 1/4 c yoghurt, 1/4 c blueberries
11.50 (feeling very shaky after workout and have a drive ahead so decide to eat a bit of lunch early to help) 75g chicken, water
1.30 (while escaoing Tsunami threat in car....) 1 apple (1/2 from lunch and 1/2 from afternoon tea = 1 apple)
2.00 Home safe, lunch Salad 1/2 c tomato + lettice, olive oild and lemon. SWapped the afetrnoon tea peanut butter for 1/2 avocado
6.20p, Dinner 1/2 raw carrot. 1/2 c cauliflower. 3 oz steak, no fat
8 pm 1 oz walnuts (not really hungry but still a it woozy, so trying to rule out lack of food by wating what i should, even though I usually dont eat the after dinner snack)
3 litres + herbal teas
No weight loss today, same as yesterday on the calorie cycling. But I know it's not about the scale anymore, so not worried. My arms and legs have been sore which is a sure sign something is happening there. So I measured my arms and found them to be 2 cm smaller than when I started. Waist remains at 5 cm smaller since I started FLP. I think that alone is an awesome result! My husband seems to notice bits of me dropping away everyday, which is also helpful. Last night he said my butt was smaller.
I went back into the wardrobe fuelled by Coaches comments to not keep "fat clothes", a big NO NO and I found more hiding there! Out they went too. I am down to about 9 pieces (so I have some clothes to wear!) and even hung my work out teeshirts in the wardrobe just to make it look less lonely in there! I cant see the need to buy anything new as I am still losing weight obviously and will be for about another year, almost as much as I ahve lost already again. If I ahve an occasion requiring something new, I'll get it or just buy the odd really nice thing on sale. There is no point having to turf out the new wardrobe again in 12 months time - well we cant afford that, I would rather pay the mortgage off faster or buy something more practical/longterm. I did buy a lovely "going out" top months ago and a skirt, which the occasion I brought it for, did not happen. Now I hope I can get one wear out of it for our 20th wedding anniversary at the end of october (after FLP). Quite possibly the size 20 skirt will fall off my waist by then and I've given all my bigger skirts away. Will have to wait and see and if someone else gets a brand new unworn skirt out of it, and I have to buy another that's cool/good!.
Warm up 5 mins, walking up hill. High intensity 2.30, med intensity 2 mins x4 on elilipital, resistance level 6
Jacknife on ball 13,14,13 (fell off twice...never mind...)
Single arm band pull downs 14,14,15
Alt lunges with curl (5 kg weights today, 10 kg total ) 18,18,18 to failure (these did me in, talk about cardio...! nearly lost balance several times, hard these...)
Pushups superset 13,13,15
Dumbell bench press on ball (5kg weights each side) 25,25,25 (added more reps rather than waste time sticking more weight on and taking it off again. I could do more weight on this, but not the alt lunges, that is a max)
Squat, curl, press (5kg weights on each side) 14,14,14
Band rotations on ball 15,15,15 (band held in, no word on replacement..hurry up!)
7.45 wake up
8.15 BF 1/1 apple, 1/2 c oats, 1/2 TBSP almonds, 1/2TBSP flax seeds
11.30 m/tea 1/4 c yoghurt, 1/4 c blueberries
11.50 (feeling very shaky after workout and have a drive ahead so decide to eat a bit of lunch early to help) 75g chicken, water
1.30 (while escaoing Tsunami threat in car....) 1 apple (1/2 from lunch and 1/2 from afternoon tea = 1 apple)
2.00 Home safe, lunch Salad 1/2 c tomato + lettice, olive oild and lemon. SWapped the afetrnoon tea peanut butter for 1/2 avocado
6.20p, Dinner 1/2 raw carrot. 1/2 c cauliflower. 3 oz steak, no fat
8 pm 1 oz walnuts (not really hungry but still a it woozy, so trying to rule out lack of food by wating what i should, even though I usually dont eat the after dinner snack)
3 litres + herbal teas
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Wed day 24, 2nd day of calorie cycling
Weighed and after the first days calorie cycling yesterday lost 400 grams. Had a good day today, not feeling hungry but sure know when it's meal time..! You can't slack and be late! Workout was good too. I put my round plates on my bar for all applicable excercises and so was able to lift my weights up to 5kg per side (10 kg total). That made it a lot more challenging, as it was too easy before and I went to failure on the lunges with the extra weight. And luckily my nicked resistance band coped with the workout today, hope it last til the replacement arrives!
FOOD (half portion day)
Wake up 7.30
BF 8.45 1 egg, 1 eggwhite , 3/4 c silverbeet, 2 small mushrooms, 1/4 cup capsicum, 1/2 onion plus 1/2 of an orange
morning tea quick smoothie 1/2 scoop of protein powder (about 8 grams). 1/2 TBSP P/B. 1/2 c mixed berries, 1/2 c water.
Lunch 1pm. Half of the half portion remaining of the mexican salad with 75grams chicken. 1/2 TBSP olive oil + lemon
4pm afternoon tea 1/4 c kidney beans
Dinner 5.30 75 g fresh fish (should have been tinned slamon but we so very rarely have fresh fish and it was beautiful too. Other 1/4 of the mexican salad, with no dressing (as same sort of thing as in the salmon patties anyway) 1/2 c green beans.
3 litres. + couple of herbal teas
( did not see the increase in time on high, until second read of the email after workout sorry! Will do from tommorow)
Jacknife on ball 12,12,12 (they were fun, ball trying to roll and me trying to stabilise it, did not fall off...!)
Single arm band pull downs 12,13,13
Alt lunges with curl (upped to 5 kg weights today) 14,13,13 to failure (harder with more weight now, good exercise though)
Pushups superset 12,13,13
Dumbell bench press on ball (upped to 5kg weights) 20,20,20 (upped weight and reps, as not too hard for me. I am used to benchpressing 5 kgs each side for a whole song in Pump... I will try 6kg per side tommorow that will really slow me down!
Squat, curl, press (5kg weights) 13,13,14
Band rotations on ball 14,14,14
FOOD (half portion day)
Wake up 7.30
BF 8.45 1 egg, 1 eggwhite , 3/4 c silverbeet, 2 small mushrooms, 1/4 cup capsicum, 1/2 onion plus 1/2 of an orange
morning tea quick smoothie 1/2 scoop of protein powder (about 8 grams). 1/2 TBSP P/B. 1/2 c mixed berries, 1/2 c water.
Lunch 1pm. Half of the half portion remaining of the mexican salad with 75grams chicken. 1/2 TBSP olive oil + lemon
4pm afternoon tea 1/4 c kidney beans
Dinner 5.30 75 g fresh fish (should have been tinned slamon but we so very rarely have fresh fish and it was beautiful too. Other 1/4 of the mexican salad, with no dressing (as same sort of thing as in the salmon patties anyway) 1/2 c green beans.
3 litres. + couple of herbal teas
( did not see the increase in time on high, until second read of the email after workout sorry! Will do from tommorow)
Jacknife on ball 12,12,12 (they were fun, ball trying to roll and me trying to stabilise it, did not fall off...!)
Single arm band pull downs 12,13,13
Alt lunges with curl (upped to 5 kg weights today) 14,13,13 to failure (harder with more weight now, good exercise though)
Pushups superset 12,13,13
Dumbell bench press on ball (upped to 5kg weights) 20,20,20 (upped weight and reps, as not too hard for me. I am used to benchpressing 5 kgs each side for a whole song in Pump... I will try 6kg per side tommorow that will really slow me down!
Squat, curl, press (5kg weights) 13,13,14
Band rotations on ball 14,14,14
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Change of goal !!!
With only some thought, I decided most definitely and passionately to change (reword) my goal from reaching 75 kg in Oct 2010, to comfortably fitting a pair of size 14 jeans in Oct 2010 (had to keep the timeline!). I was not going to break that goal I amde 2 years ago for nothing and noone, but this is a BETTER goal, so it's all good. I dont care WHAT I weigh as long as my butt is that small! Some may say that is not small..but I am curvy girl and I look really good at size 14. I am not interested in being in a stick with no boobs...LOL, I'm happier with the more the Marilyn Monroe hourglassy type (and I know my husband is too). So there's the NEW edited goal...I like it! When we discussed this, my husband was even more excited about the prospect of a size 14 chick running around (cannot repeat what else he said from there..blush..). He keeps commenting on my waist being smaller/looking good etc, which is a great boost for me. My 10 year old said I am mini version and soon he will be able to fold me up and put me in his pocket..cute..!
Tuesday day 23 - first half portion day
Although my weightloss in cms has not stalled, my weight on the scales has for a few days now (yet I lost 2 or 3 (cant remember now) off my waist in the last week. So I am less than worried. HOWEVER, in the interests of serious butt kicking whilst I am on this for 6 weeks only out of my life, I will try the calorie cycling to experiment with the results. It has worked with me before, but I have to say I am quite happy witht he results, but why not crank it up aye?!
So today was the first half portion day of three in a row this week. Actually it was fine. I was a little wee bit hungry at times, but very little and it was soon time to eat again and there is alwasy the old water and herbal tea to fll the gap if required.
Excercise good! Loving this new routine. Wish I had some 5kg dumbells, or plates with holes for your hands though. My heaviest is only 2.5kg and I really need more. My 5 kg round plates have no hand holes and are awkward to hold, they're not designed to be held really. I need to borrow some weight off someone, the cost of those 5kg plates or dumbells is insanely high (70 +!) and I already have the irongym to get this week for $70 and it was the resistance band last week for $45. I will set up my bar with more weight and try to use the bar where poss to be able to increase weight.
Jacknife on ball 11,11,11 (they were fun, ball trying to roll and me trying to stabilise it, did not fall off...!)
Single arm band pull downs 11,11,11
Alt lunges with curl (2.5 kg weights) 18,16,14 (big improvement knee going really far down, can touch floor now, phew...!)
Pushups superset 11,11,12 (think my goal of doing pushups by end of this week, is pretty much achieved, wow!)
Dumbell bench press on ball (2.5 kg weights) 11,11,11 (as I need more weight I am also doing 10 with arms extending out to side and coming in at the top)
Squat, curl, press (2.5kg weights) 11,11,11 (double pressing at the top, to add effort as this weight is too light for me)
Bamd rotations on ball 14,11,11
FLUIDS 3 litres water + lots of hot water and hot herbal tea as cold today
FOOD (half portion day)
wake up 7.30
BF 8.15 1/2 c berries, 1/2 banana, 1//4 c oats, 2 TBSP yoghurt, 1/2 TBSP flax seeds, 1.5 scoops powder (20 grams), retained 1x of water to add extra liquid, was fine, bit runny, but I woudl rather have the extra volume. Had half.
morning tea 11.15 other half of smoothie
Lunch 1pm 1.5 c lettice, 1/8c kidney beans, 1/2 cucumber, 50g tuna, 1/2 TBSP olive oil + lemon juice, 1/8 cup capsicum + 1/2 an orange
afternoon tea
1 ox (40 grams) grilled chicken breast. 3/4 c cauliflower raw with 1/2 TBSP peanut butter (sub oil from dinner salad)
Dinner 6.15 1/2 tomato, 95 g chicken (1.5 oz approx) 1/2c cauliflower, 1/4 cup asparagus
So today was the first half portion day of three in a row this week. Actually it was fine. I was a little wee bit hungry at times, but very little and it was soon time to eat again and there is alwasy the old water and herbal tea to fll the gap if required.
Excercise good! Loving this new routine. Wish I had some 5kg dumbells, or plates with holes for your hands though. My heaviest is only 2.5kg and I really need more. My 5 kg round plates have no hand holes and are awkward to hold, they're not designed to be held really. I need to borrow some weight off someone, the cost of those 5kg plates or dumbells is insanely high (70 +!) and I already have the irongym to get this week for $70 and it was the resistance band last week for $45. I will set up my bar with more weight and try to use the bar where poss to be able to increase weight.
Jacknife on ball 11,11,11 (they were fun, ball trying to roll and me trying to stabilise it, did not fall off...!)
Single arm band pull downs 11,11,11
Alt lunges with curl (2.5 kg weights) 18,16,14 (big improvement knee going really far down, can touch floor now, phew...!)
Pushups superset 11,11,12 (think my goal of doing pushups by end of this week, is pretty much achieved, wow!)
Dumbell bench press on ball (2.5 kg weights) 11,11,11 (as I need more weight I am also doing 10 with arms extending out to side and coming in at the top)
Squat, curl, press (2.5kg weights) 11,11,11 (double pressing at the top, to add effort as this weight is too light for me)
Bamd rotations on ball 14,11,11
FLUIDS 3 litres water + lots of hot water and hot herbal tea as cold today
FOOD (half portion day)
wake up 7.30
BF 8.15 1/2 c berries, 1/2 banana, 1//4 c oats, 2 TBSP yoghurt, 1/2 TBSP flax seeds, 1.5 scoops powder (20 grams), retained 1x of water to add extra liquid, was fine, bit runny, but I woudl rather have the extra volume. Had half.
morning tea 11.15 other half of smoothie
Lunch 1pm 1.5 c lettice, 1/8c kidney beans, 1/2 cucumber, 50g tuna, 1/2 TBSP olive oil + lemon juice, 1/8 cup capsicum + 1/2 an orange
afternoon tea
1 ox (40 grams) grilled chicken breast. 3/4 c cauliflower raw with 1/2 TBSP peanut butter (sub oil from dinner salad)
Dinner 6.15 1/2 tomato, 95 g chicken (1.5 oz approx) 1/2c cauliflower, 1/4 cup asparagus
Monday, October 5, 2009
Day 22 Monday, start of week 4
So this morning the scale still said 97.5 kg, the weather hampered cardio effort yesterday woudl not have helped! Yet my body is certainly shrinking, just not showing in the scales so much, but that is cool. I ahve a basic lay persons understandng about weightloss versus fatloss and that we need to look at size, not the scales etc. So I know it's all good. However in the interests of experimentation and kicking as much off my butt in these 6 weeks as I can, I will try the half portion days T, W, Th as suggested by the coach. I find the meals fairly big (get them down OK though!) and hope I will cope quite well with it. I guess the proof will be on the scales and tape on Friday...
I did a similar thng once before, but my personal trainer called it a zig zag. I'd been on a plateau weight wise for weeks (but cm were falling slowly) and she suggested I eat twice as much for three days and then half as much for three days, to shock the body. It worked, I lost weight and the plateau was over. So I suspect this method works for me. Just as long as I can function and exercise on the half days of food. I have not been hungry at all really on this plan so being hungry, if it happens, wll be a new challenge I have to deal with (drink lots of water?!). I already drink 2 large glasses of water just before eating and that is a good way to fill your tummy up!
(I thoroughly enjoyed the new routine today, needed a change as it was getting too routine for me, change is good)
Jacknife on ball 10,10,10
Single arm band pull downs 10,10,10
Alt lunges with curl (2.5 kg weights) 12,12,12
Pushups superset 10,10,10 (whew those pushups getting good now! Just need to get my butt down more now, arms are much stronger now and can bend pretty good, i am impressed with myself!)
Dumbell bench press on ball (2.5 kg weights) 10,10,10
Squat, curl, press (2.5kg weights) 10,10,10
Bamd rotations on ball 10,10,10
FLUIDS 2.5 litres + copious herbal teas as it was freezing cold today
wake up 7.30 am
BF 9am 2 boiled eggs (scambled makes me nauseous, dont know why..) + 1 c cooked whole old gashioned oats w cinnamon and 1 grated apple. (I pinched the apple from afternoon tea for breakfast to liven up the oats and I took the 1-2 c of raw veges from eveing snack (which I never have) to have with my PB at afternoon tea....
morning tea 11. 1c blueberries. 2 oz unsalted peanuts.
Lunch 1.15
4 oz (110 grams) grilled chicken breast), 1 tomato, 2 c lettuce, 1 carrot, coaches dressing
afternoon tea 4pm 1c raw cauliflower, 1 TBSP P/B
dinner 5.15 1c cauliflower, 1 tomato, half an avocado (instead of olive oil dressing), 4 oz lean beef steak, no fat
I did a similar thng once before, but my personal trainer called it a zig zag. I'd been on a plateau weight wise for weeks (but cm were falling slowly) and she suggested I eat twice as much for three days and then half as much for three days, to shock the body. It worked, I lost weight and the plateau was over. So I suspect this method works for me. Just as long as I can function and exercise on the half days of food. I have not been hungry at all really on this plan so being hungry, if it happens, wll be a new challenge I have to deal with (drink lots of water?!). I already drink 2 large glasses of water just before eating and that is a good way to fill your tummy up!
(I thoroughly enjoyed the new routine today, needed a change as it was getting too routine for me, change is good)
Jacknife on ball 10,10,10
Single arm band pull downs 10,10,10
Alt lunges with curl (2.5 kg weights) 12,12,12
Pushups superset 10,10,10 (whew those pushups getting good now! Just need to get my butt down more now, arms are much stronger now and can bend pretty good, i am impressed with myself!)
Dumbell bench press on ball (2.5 kg weights) 10,10,10
Squat, curl, press (2.5kg weights) 10,10,10
Bamd rotations on ball 10,10,10
FLUIDS 2.5 litres + copious herbal teas as it was freezing cold today
wake up 7.30 am
BF 9am 2 boiled eggs (scambled makes me nauseous, dont know why..) + 1 c cooked whole old gashioned oats w cinnamon and 1 grated apple. (I pinched the apple from afternoon tea for breakfast to liven up the oats and I took the 1-2 c of raw veges from eveing snack (which I never have) to have with my PB at afternoon tea....
morning tea 11. 1c blueberries. 2 oz unsalted peanuts.
Lunch 1.15
4 oz (110 grams) grilled chicken breast), 1 tomato, 2 c lettuce, 1 carrot, coaches dressing
afternoon tea 4pm 1c raw cauliflower, 1 TBSP P/B
dinner 5.15 1c cauliflower, 1 tomato, half an avocado (instead of olive oil dressing), 4 oz lean beef steak, no fat
Sunday day 21
Well unfortunately we had a rare Spring day here where the weather is like winter?! It was raining heavily, grey and very very cold and strong southerly wind. The family was in no mood for 'family fun cardio". Our extensive list we brainstormed a few weeks ago was all outdoors stuff. I could not think of anything indoors and free we could do (those with no kids would another indoor cardio option open to them wink wink, nudge nudge). We live in a small ish town and dont have giant malls to walk around, or ice rinks etc as they have in Auckland. So the best we could do was a bit of a fun race with the trolley around the one and only local supermarket to get my FLP supplies. Any ideas for indoor (preferably free) family fun cardio activities?!!!!
Wake up 7am
Breakfast 9am Omelette with 2 whole eggs, 2 egg whites, 0.5 cup silverbeet, 3 sliced mushrooms, 1/2 diced red onion. 1x orange
Morning tea 11am Quick Smoothie with 12.5 grams protein powder, with 1c water, 1 TBSP p/butter with 1c berries (berry option is much larger and thicker than the 1/2 banana version, so i prefer it)
Lunch 1pm lunch95 grams tinned tuna with mexican salad, 0.5 red onion, 0.25 red and 0.25 green pepper, 3 medium tomatoes, 0.5 cucumber, pinch salt/pepper with 1TBSP olive oild with lemon juice rather than lime
afternoon tea 4pm 0.5 c kidney beands (sub for the edmame)
6pm veges for dinner (1 c couliflower, 0.5 c asparagus)
9pm...! Remembered I had not had the salmon patties so made them and ate them, although I was not hungry, figured I should get that protein in (got distracted by the clothes ridding exercise in my wardrobe which I have already blogged about)
FLUID 3 litres + herbal teas
Wake up 7am
Breakfast 9am Omelette with 2 whole eggs, 2 egg whites, 0.5 cup silverbeet, 3 sliced mushrooms, 1/2 diced red onion. 1x orange
Morning tea 11am Quick Smoothie with 12.5 grams protein powder, with 1c water, 1 TBSP p/butter with 1c berries (berry option is much larger and thicker than the 1/2 banana version, so i prefer it)
Lunch 1pm lunch95 grams tinned tuna with mexican salad, 0.5 red onion, 0.25 red and 0.25 green pepper, 3 medium tomatoes, 0.5 cucumber, pinch salt/pepper with 1TBSP olive oild with lemon juice rather than lime
afternoon tea 4pm 0.5 c kidney beands (sub for the edmame)
6pm veges for dinner (1 c couliflower, 0.5 c asparagus)
9pm...! Remembered I had not had the salmon patties so made them and ate them, although I was not hungry, figured I should get that protein in (got distracted by the clothes ridding exercise in my wardrobe which I have already blogged about)
FLUID 3 litres + herbal teas
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Getting rid of old friends
I have some old friends I've had for years now. They have been part of all those memorable events in life, prizegivings, weddings, parties and I love them. Tonight though, I got rid of my old friends, at great pain to myself. My clothes...yes my old friends, the clothes I have loved so dearly (and paid so dearly for in some cases) , are in bags in the spare room, to give away...
Three people in the last 3 days have told me I need to stop wearing my baggy old clothes and give them away, to show my new shape (remember I have now lost just over 30 kg). Not wanting to do this really as I just loved many of them and they were not cheap (you pay big money for "sexy"/nice "fat girl" clothes - ie clothes that are not the usual sacks fat people have to wear). Some have a very strong emotional connection for me, but when I tried them on, the material was gathering up by the bunch full at the back and sides. I almost thought I could cope with it loose like that when my husband pulled them in tight at the back and the new hourglassy waist suddenly appeared from uner all the fabric and looked impressively awesome to me in the mirror. He said you've got shape now, you need to show it, not wear sacks that hide your shape. So that was the death knell for those clothes. We went through and 18 things bit the dust.
There are mixed feelings. Elation at knowing I've lost the weight and I really love my hourglass shape. Excitement at the prospect of one day buying new clothes that will look even better than I thought the old ones did. Slight anxiety at the potential price of such replacements when we are on a budget. And also just the psyschological thing of accepting that I really have lost a lot of weight so far. Although I did it, expected it and planned it each and every day for the past year, it still sometimes surprises me to look in the mirror and look different! Without the old clothes, I think it will help that paradigm shift move forward. It is also a permanent step to permanent weightloss, *knowing* with absolute certainty that I will never fit these clothes again, so I dont need them. No need to hide favourites in the back of the wardrobe just in case...So this has been an interesting experience, quite powerful and one I am still going over in my head with interest. I am doing the physcial work required, but I do need to keep up with the brain work required too, so spending time considering all this and learning to "let go" the weight physically and psychologically. I read Magda Subritzy say that the first half of your weight loss is physical, the second half, psychcological. It is feeling that way for me too.
Three people in the last 3 days have told me I need to stop wearing my baggy old clothes and give them away, to show my new shape (remember I have now lost just over 30 kg). Not wanting to do this really as I just loved many of them and they were not cheap (you pay big money for "sexy"/nice "fat girl" clothes - ie clothes that are not the usual sacks fat people have to wear). Some have a very strong emotional connection for me, but when I tried them on, the material was gathering up by the bunch full at the back and sides. I almost thought I could cope with it loose like that when my husband pulled them in tight at the back and the new hourglassy waist suddenly appeared from uner all the fabric and looked impressively awesome to me in the mirror. He said you've got shape now, you need to show it, not wear sacks that hide your shape. So that was the death knell for those clothes. We went through and 18 things bit the dust.
There are mixed feelings. Elation at knowing I've lost the weight and I really love my hourglass shape. Excitement at the prospect of one day buying new clothes that will look even better than I thought the old ones did. Slight anxiety at the potential price of such replacements when we are on a budget. And also just the psyschological thing of accepting that I really have lost a lot of weight so far. Although I did it, expected it and planned it each and every day for the past year, it still sometimes surprises me to look in the mirror and look different! Without the old clothes, I think it will help that paradigm shift move forward. It is also a permanent step to permanent weightloss, *knowing* with absolute certainty that I will never fit these clothes again, so I dont need them. No need to hide favourites in the back of the wardrobe just in case...So this has been an interesting experience, quite powerful and one I am still going over in my head with interest. I am doing the physcial work required, but I do need to keep up with the brain work required too, so spending time considering all this and learning to "let go" the weight physically and psychologically. I read Magda Subritzy say that the first half of your weight loss is physical, the second half, psychcological. It is feeling that way for me too.
Saturday Day 20 FLP
Behind on my blogging due to being away Fri and Sat with no PC access...
Sat, rest day
wake up 8am
BF 9am 1c oatmeal, 1 TBSP almonds, 1TBSP flax seed, 1 grated apple
10.45 Morning tea 0.5c low fat plain yoghurt w. .05 c frozen blueberries
12.30 Lunch 150g chicken, 1.5c lettuce, 1 tomato1/4 c capsicum. coaches dressing. 1 orange.
3.30pm afternoon tea (in car travelling) 1 apple
6pm (what shoudl ahve been afternoon tea...0.5 c kidney beans, as dinner was still cooking
7.30 lean wild pork 140 grams, 0.5 c roast pumpkin, 1c brocolli (no fat, no gravy etc)
water 2.8 litres + herbal teas
Sat, rest day
wake up 8am
BF 9am 1c oatmeal, 1 TBSP almonds, 1TBSP flax seed, 1 grated apple
10.45 Morning tea 0.5c low fat plain yoghurt w. .05 c frozen blueberries
12.30 Lunch 150g chicken, 1.5c lettuce, 1 tomato1/4 c capsicum. coaches dressing. 1 orange.
3.30pm afternoon tea (in car travelling) 1 apple
6pm (what shoudl ahve been afternoon tea...0.5 c kidney beans, as dinner was still cooking
7.30 lean wild pork 140 grams, 0.5 c roast pumpkin, 1c brocolli (no fat, no gravy etc)
water 2.8 litres + herbal teas
Friday day 19
A very bad day in terms of timing of eating food as I was travelling from pillar to post in Auckland. Meals were seriously badly delayed as I was fitting in with others meals, not being in control of timing in my own kitchen. Part of the problem was also due to me leaving later than expected in the morning as I was doing my workout and organising my food for two days. Luckily I did not feel hungry, or tempted to eat anything other than my plan. But I know the importance of regular meals for my metabolisim so I was quite anoyed with how that turned out
I was aching and was glad it was my last exercise day for the week to be honest. It has been really hard for me as it is the school holidays and the kids are home. Normally I love this, but when I need to take out so much time with the exercise etc, I feel I dont spend enough time with them. I make them watch a video, not really my parenting style normally. They are back to school in one week, beginning of week 5. Next week could be worse as I am down the oldest child and that will leave the youngest at a distinctly loose end without her big broher, so she will want to play with ME all day..!
9 am Smoothie 1c water, 1 banana, 1c berries, 1/2cwhole flake oats, 4TBSP plain low fat yoghurt, 1 TBSP flax seeds, 40 grams vanilla whey protein powder. Had 1/2 of that. 1
11am Other half of smoothie (and then now running late drive to Auckland..)
3pm Lunch...95grams tinned tuna, 2c salad with 2 small tomatos. 1 orange.
6pm afternoon tea...(I know...) 1/2 c kidney beans
9.30pm dinner 150g chicken, 2 cups salad greens with tomato, capsicum and 1 c fresh asparagus
WATER 2.2litres + sevral herbal teas
5 minute warmup (walking up mild hill). 2min high, 2 mins medium intensity x 4
(elliptical on resistance level 5)
Get Ups (with straight arm, yes!) ***with 5 kg weight*** 14,14,14
Push ups 16 , 16, 16
Burpees with jump (1 kg weight in each hand) 16,16,16
Walking lunges with weight 20,20,20 per leg
Standing band rotations 16,16,16 (I brought a high resistance band as felt I would be strong enough and it is fine, medium would have been too easy)
Band pulldowns 16,16,16
I was aching and was glad it was my last exercise day for the week to be honest. It has been really hard for me as it is the school holidays and the kids are home. Normally I love this, but when I need to take out so much time with the exercise etc, I feel I dont spend enough time with them. I make them watch a video, not really my parenting style normally. They are back to school in one week, beginning of week 5. Next week could be worse as I am down the oldest child and that will leave the youngest at a distinctly loose end without her big broher, so she will want to play with ME all day..!
9 am Smoothie 1c water, 1 banana, 1c berries, 1/2cwhole flake oats, 4TBSP plain low fat yoghurt, 1 TBSP flax seeds, 40 grams vanilla whey protein powder. Had 1/2 of that. 1
11am Other half of smoothie (and then now running late drive to Auckland..)
3pm Lunch...95grams tinned tuna, 2c salad with 2 small tomatos. 1 orange.
6pm afternoon tea...(I know...) 1/2 c kidney beans
9.30pm dinner 150g chicken, 2 cups salad greens with tomato, capsicum and 1 c fresh asparagus
WATER 2.2litres + sevral herbal teas
5 minute warmup (walking up mild hill). 2min high, 2 mins medium intensity x 4
(elliptical on resistance level 5)
Get Ups (with straight arm, yes!) ***with 5 kg weight*** 14,14,14
Push ups 16 , 16, 16
Burpees with jump (1 kg weight in each hand) 16,16,16
Walking lunges with weight 20,20,20 per leg
Standing band rotations 16,16,16 (I brought a high resistance band as felt I would be strong enough and it is fine, medium would have been too easy)
Band pulldowns 16,16,16
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Thursday day 17
Been a funny day for me. That tsunami threat yesterday really threw me and I slept really badly with bad dreams. I feel out of synch and a bit woozy and brain foggy today as a result. And I find this menu day hard for me as there is so much to prepare and also to eat. I really miss my little bit of carbs (oatmeal) in the morning and find the omelette OK but would have the oatmeal any day personally. I cant blame the lack of oatmeal for the wooziness, as I did not have that issue the first day I did this menu day. Must be the lack of sleep that is jading me, early bed tonight...

Weightloss has slowed on the scales. Was 2.5 kg lost in the first week, 1.5 kg second week and only 500grams so far this week (total 4.5 kg). My measurements are kind of up and down, probably where i am measuring, that's why I like my friend Jo, who is a personal trainer to do it. I know I'm getting smaller, the pants I was glad to get into a couple of weeks ago are now quite loose, to the extent my husband said I needed new pants (already). I was going to get a new pair when I go to Auckland tommorow, but cant see the point as I estimate I will lose nearly ten kilos on this six weeks. the pants wont fit me again in 3 weeks. So I'll hold off.
It's a very busy day for me tommorow as I am off to AKL for the night and not back til Sat, so I have to organise to take all my food (and kids food), bedding etc etc with us. Hard to organise with such a fuzzy brain, though feeling better after the fresh tomato tonight. Hope I will get access to the internet, otherwise my post may be late Sat night, for Friday. Depends on access.
wake up 7.30am
breakfast 9.30 am Omelette with 2 whole eggs, 2 egg whites, 1 cup silverbeet, 3 sliced mushrooms, 1 diced red onion. 1x orange
11.30 morning tea Quick Smoothie with 12.5 grams protein powder, with 1c water, 1 TBSP p/butter with half a banana rather than the berry option
1.00 mexican salad (left over from last time) with 95 grams tinned tuna (had no other lean protein left) and .5 cup of kidney beans meant for afternoon tea as I was feeling really full and knew I would not be able to eat afternoon tea later
4pm 1 exotic fruits herbal tea
7pm dinner salmon patties, 1 tomato, 1c cauliflower, 1/4c carrots (my husband put honey in the carrots, which I did not realise untl the second piece, thought they were just sweet carrots. I told him it was like giving an alcholic Christmas cake with sherry in it (which I have inadvertantly done myself..shame...), so I had the honey without knowing it. Was not happy as I have been 100% sticking to this plan, so it was an accidental honey dose, not much he assures me. He wont be doing that again..!)
FLUIDS 3 litres + herbal teas
(elliptical on resistance level 5) 5 minute warmup. 2min high, 2 mins medium intensity x 4
Get Ups (with straight arm, yes!) ***with 5 kg weight*** 13,13,13
Push ups 16 , 16, 16 to failure
Burpees with jump (1 kg weight in each hand) 15,15,15
Walking lunges with weight 18,18,18 per leg
Standing band rotations 15,15,15 (I brought a high resistance band as felt I would be strong enough and it is fine, medium would have been too easy)
Band pulldowns 15,15,15
Weightloss has slowed on the scales. Was 2.5 kg lost in the first week, 1.5 kg second week and only 500grams so far this week (total 4.5 kg). My measurements are kind of up and down, probably where i am measuring, that's why I like my friend Jo, who is a personal trainer to do it. I know I'm getting smaller, the pants I was glad to get into a couple of weeks ago are now quite loose, to the extent my husband said I needed new pants (already). I was going to get a new pair when I go to Auckland tommorow, but cant see the point as I estimate I will lose nearly ten kilos on this six weeks. the pants wont fit me again in 3 weeks. So I'll hold off.
It's a very busy day for me tommorow as I am off to AKL for the night and not back til Sat, so I have to organise to take all my food (and kids food), bedding etc etc with us. Hard to organise with such a fuzzy brain, though feeling better after the fresh tomato tonight. Hope I will get access to the internet, otherwise my post may be late Sat night, for Friday. Depends on access.
wake up 7.30am
breakfast 9.30 am Omelette with 2 whole eggs, 2 egg whites, 1 cup silverbeet, 3 sliced mushrooms, 1 diced red onion. 1x orange
11.30 morning tea Quick Smoothie with 12.5 grams protein powder, with 1c water, 1 TBSP p/butter with half a banana rather than the berry option
1.00 mexican salad (left over from last time) with 95 grams tinned tuna (had no other lean protein left) and .5 cup of kidney beans meant for afternoon tea as I was feeling really full and knew I would not be able to eat afternoon tea later
4pm 1 exotic fruits herbal tea
7pm dinner salmon patties, 1 tomato, 1c cauliflower, 1/4c carrots (my husband put honey in the carrots, which I did not realise untl the second piece, thought they were just sweet carrots. I told him it was like giving an alcholic Christmas cake with sherry in it (which I have inadvertantly done myself..shame...), so I had the honey without knowing it. Was not happy as I have been 100% sticking to this plan, so it was an accidental honey dose, not much he assures me. He wont be doing that again..!)
FLUIDS 3 litres + herbal teas
(elliptical on resistance level 5) 5 minute warmup. 2min high, 2 mins medium intensity x 4
Get Ups (with straight arm, yes!) ***with 5 kg weight*** 13,13,13
Push ups 16 , 16, 16 to failure
Burpees with jump (1 kg weight in each hand) 15,15,15
Walking lunges with weight 18,18,18 per leg
Standing band rotations 15,15,15 (I brought a high resistance band as felt I would be strong enough and it is fine, medium would have been too easy)
Band pulldowns 15,15,15
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Wed day 17
Homework done and PS I also did a mini family fun cardio day yesterday, we went bush walking up and down hills for about 40 minutes. Lots of steps, boy I felt them. Must be the lunges or something and I also I did part of my power hill walking up stairs on Monday. Thought I was fine til I tried going up steps again..owwww! Down to 98.3 this morning, so have lost 4.5kg now on FLP
Wake up 7.45am
8.45 Breakfast, the old favourite..! 1c whole oats, 1TBSP sliced almonds, 1 TBSP flax seed, little cinnamon, 1x apple.
11.30 morning tea 1/2 c plain low fat yoghurt with 1/2 c frozen blueberries
Lunch 1.30 70 grams chicken breast grilled (it was all I had left and should have been 150 grams..), 2 cups lettuce, 1 tomato, Coaches salad dressing. 1 orange
3.45 Afternoon tea Apple
6.15 Dinner. 150 grams chicken, 1 tomato, 1/2 avo (instead of the PB at afternoon tea) 1.5 c of cauliflower
FLUIDS 3.6 litres
(elliptical ramped up resistance level from 4 to 5 today) 5 minute warmup. 2min high, 2 mins medium intensity x 4
Get Ups (with straight arm) (ramped up weight from 2.5kg to 5 kg today, so decreased reps a little from 22 to 12. Found it a lot more effective (hard but not impossible!) with double the weight, so getting more out of them, than the higher reps/lighter weights, will increase reps each day to make it even better
Push ups 16 (to failure), 16 (to failure), 15 (+5 % better than last time) to failure (same as yesterday..)
Burpees with jump (1 kg weight in each hand) 11,11,11
Walking lunges with weight 16,16,16 (well 32,32,32 actually, down my long hall)
Standing band rotations 13,14,14 (I brought a high resistance band as felt I would be strong enough and it is fine, medium would have been too easy)
Band pulldowns 14,14,14 (same number as yesterday but tied knot much further down making them harder to pull)
Wake up 7.45am
8.45 Breakfast, the old favourite..! 1c whole oats, 1TBSP sliced almonds, 1 TBSP flax seed, little cinnamon, 1x apple.
11.30 morning tea 1/2 c plain low fat yoghurt with 1/2 c frozen blueberries
Lunch 1.30 70 grams chicken breast grilled (it was all I had left and should have been 150 grams..), 2 cups lettuce, 1 tomato, Coaches salad dressing. 1 orange
3.45 Afternoon tea Apple
6.15 Dinner. 150 grams chicken, 1 tomato, 1/2 avo (instead of the PB at afternoon tea) 1.5 c of cauliflower
FLUIDS 3.6 litres
(elliptical ramped up resistance level from 4 to 5 today) 5 minute warmup. 2min high, 2 mins medium intensity x 4
Get Ups (with straight arm) (ramped up weight from 2.5kg to 5 kg today, so decreased reps a little from 22 to 12. Found it a lot more effective (hard but not impossible!) with double the weight, so getting more out of them, than the higher reps/lighter weights, will increase reps each day to make it even better
Push ups 16 (to failure), 16 (to failure), 15 (+5 % better than last time) to failure (same as yesterday..)
Burpees with jump (1 kg weight in each hand) 11,11,11
Walking lunges with weight 16,16,16 (well 32,32,32 actually, down my long hall)
Standing band rotations 13,14,14 (I brought a high resistance band as felt I would be strong enough and it is fine, medium would have been too easy)
Band pulldowns 14,14,14 (same number as yesterday but tied knot much further down making them harder to pull)
Tuesday 16
Thank you to all those who left kind comment and suggestion on the gosleeveless blog and my blog about "how to comfort yourself when cant have comfort food"
I am going to start a new post with all those ideas and more and add as I think of them, please feel free to add your ideas too for all of us to share.
Blog delayed due to electirical storm tonight, PC needs to be off!
7.30am wake up
8.15 smoothie 1c water, 1 banana, 1c berries, 1/2cwhole flake oats, 4TBSP plain low fat yoghurt, 1 TBSP flax seeds, 40 grams vanilla whey protein powder. Had 1/2 of that. 1
10.30 am snack, other half of smoothie
1pm Lunch .95 grams tuna in water, 2 cups lettuce, 1 tomato, 1/2 cup cucumber, 1/4 c green and red peppers, 1/4 cup red kidney beans, Coaches dressing. 1 apple
3.45 afternoon tea 70grams chicken, 1/2 c carrot, 1c cauli with 1 TBSP peanut butter (borrowed fat from tonights salad, will ahve no dressing..).
Dinner 6.45pm 1 tomato, 120g steak with no fat, 1/4 cup cooked cabbage and 3/4 cup brocilii and cauli mix
FLUID 3.4 litres
(elliptical on resistance level 4) 5 miniute warmup. 2min high, 2 mins medium intensity x 4
Get Ups (with straight arm, yes!) with 2.5 kg weight 22,22,22
Push ups 16 , 16 (to failure), 16 (+5 % better than last time) to failure
Burpees with jump (1 kg weight in each hand) 11,11,11
Walking lunges with weight 14,14,14 (I was doing 14 a side (alt) and then saw it was 7 each leg = 14, oh well, doing it that way now, just keep on going!
Standing band rotations (10 in each direction) 11,11,11 (I brought a high resistance band as felt I would be strong enough and it is fine, medium would have been too easy)
Band pulldowns 14,14,14
I am going to start a new post with all those ideas and more and add as I think of them, please feel free to add your ideas too for all of us to share.
Blog delayed due to electirical storm tonight, PC needs to be off!
7.30am wake up
8.15 smoothie 1c water, 1 banana, 1c berries, 1/2cwhole flake oats, 4TBSP plain low fat yoghurt, 1 TBSP flax seeds, 40 grams vanilla whey protein powder. Had 1/2 of that. 1
10.30 am snack, other half of smoothie
1pm Lunch .95 grams tuna in water, 2 cups lettuce, 1 tomato, 1/2 cup cucumber, 1/4 c green and red peppers, 1/4 cup red kidney beans, Coaches dressing. 1 apple
3.45 afternoon tea 70grams chicken, 1/2 c carrot, 1c cauli with 1 TBSP peanut butter (borrowed fat from tonights salad, will ahve no dressing..).
Dinner 6.45pm 1 tomato, 120g steak with no fat, 1/4 cup cooked cabbage and 3/4 cup brocilii and cauli mix
FLUID 3.4 litres
(elliptical on resistance level 4) 5 miniute warmup. 2min high, 2 mins medium intensity x 4
Get Ups (with straight arm, yes!) with 2.5 kg weight 22,22,22
Push ups 16 , 16 (to failure), 16 (+5 % better than last time) to failure
Burpees with jump (1 kg weight in each hand) 11,11,11
Walking lunges with weight 14,14,14 (I was doing 14 a side (alt) and then saw it was 7 each leg = 14, oh well, doing it that way now, just keep on going!
Standing band rotations (10 in each direction) 11,11,11 (I brought a high resistance band as felt I would be strong enough and it is fine, medium would have been too easy)
Band pulldowns 14,14,14
Monday, September 28, 2009
Monday Day 15
We have just entered daylight savings and clocks have moved , so our internal clocks are all up the wop and we got up late (it is the school holidays, so no rush). Then I had to make the omelette and go down and buy a resistance band, by the time I ddi all of this I completed the workout at noon, so a good two hours wrongly out of schedule today. Big food day, seemed to be all day chopping, cooking and eating! This is so much food, phew!
wakeup8.30 am
BF 9.15 Omelette with 2 whole eggs, 2 egg whites, 1.5 cups silverbeet, 3 sliced mushrooms, 1 diced green oniion. 1 orange
12.15 morning tea Smoothie with 12.5 grams protein powder, 1c berries, with 1c water, 1 TBSP p/butter
3.15 lunch150g chicken with mexican salad, 0.5 red onion, 0.25 red and 0.25 green pepper, 1 TBSP parsley, 3 medium tomatoes, 0.5 cucumber, pich salt/pepper with 1TBSP olive oild with lemon juice rather than lime
6.30 pm dinner salad with tomato& cucumber. Salmon patties. (105 grams tinned wild salmon. 1 egg, 1tsp olive oil, 1/4 mixed colours capsicum, 2 small green onions, salt and pepper. Plus 1/2 c kidney beans (was substitute for the edame, but my day was so wrong timing wise, I had them as part of my dinner or I'd be still eating at midnight...
(power walking up hills) 5 miniute warmup. 2min high, 2 mins medium intensity x 4
Get Ups (with straight arm, yes!) with 2.5 kg weight 21,21,21
Push ups 14 (+5 % better than last time) to failure, 15 ((+5 % better than last time), 15 (+5 % better than last time)
Burpees with jump (1 kg weight in each hand) 10,10,10
Walking lunges with weight 12,12,12
Standing band rotations (10 in each direction) 10,10,10
Band pulldowns 10,10,10
wakeup8.30 am
BF 9.15 Omelette with 2 whole eggs, 2 egg whites, 1.5 cups silverbeet, 3 sliced mushrooms, 1 diced green oniion. 1 orange
12.15 morning tea Smoothie with 12.5 grams protein powder, 1c berries, with 1c water, 1 TBSP p/butter
3.15 lunch150g chicken with mexican salad, 0.5 red onion, 0.25 red and 0.25 green pepper, 1 TBSP parsley, 3 medium tomatoes, 0.5 cucumber, pich salt/pepper with 1TBSP olive oild with lemon juice rather than lime
6.30 pm dinner salad with tomato& cucumber. Salmon patties. (105 grams tinned wild salmon. 1 egg, 1tsp olive oil, 1/4 mixed colours capsicum, 2 small green onions, salt and pepper. Plus 1/2 c kidney beans (was substitute for the edame, but my day was so wrong timing wise, I had them as part of my dinner or I'd be still eating at midnight...
(power walking up hills) 5 miniute warmup. 2min high, 2 mins medium intensity x 4
Get Ups (with straight arm, yes!) with 2.5 kg weight 21,21,21
Push ups 14 (+5 % better than last time) to failure, 15 ((+5 % better than last time), 15 (+5 % better than last time)
Burpees with jump (1 kg weight in each hand) 10,10,10
Walking lunges with weight 12,12,12
Standing band rotations (10 in each direction) 10,10,10
Band pulldowns 10,10,10
Sunday day 14 - how do you comfort yourself when comfort food is out? (and wine, tea and coffee..)
Had a low day yesterday, Sunday. Family fun cardio day was not much fun (for me anyway) and the cardio component was almost zero, so I was annoyed at how that worked out. None the less I stuck to the food plan. We drove up to Auckland for my husband to compete in a work truck driving competition and I envisaged a lot of walking around events, but there was only one spectator event and we were constricted to a small space, so you you couldnt walk around much. To compensate I stood most of the day, rather than sat, to try to use some energy at least. There was a free BBQ with free chocolate and soda and yummy thick orange juice. Felt slightly tempted by the OJ and the free choccie, but did not succumb. Ate my lunch apple early at 11.20 to help make the tummy full til lunch. I took my chicken salad in a lunchbox and ate it, was nice. Our daughter had a great time bouncing on the bouncy castle for four hours straight pretty much. I felt quite disapointed yesterday as my husband did not win the cash prize, which would have really helped us...even though he was by far the the most accurate driver. He did the obstacle course in a truck perfectly, no one else did as well, they knocked cones etc. yet he still did not win as he found our it was also time based as well as accuracy (after he'd done his run..) and theyw must have wieghted the time over the accuracy, so he did not win, even though he won...So that really ripped my nighty quite a bit as we could have really used that money and i had kinda started spending it on certain bills in my head. Money is something that really has strong power to bring me down. Then I had no normal source of comfort to turn to to perk myself up such as food, tea, coffee or wine as I am on this plan. I just did not know what to do with myself. So I went to bed and hoped it would go away. I need to find other ways to make myself feel better, right now I dont know what they are though...Can't be anything involving $$$ either, must be free...My walk this morning (Monday) did help, but I still feel quite wound up, uncomforted/prickly and low ebb.
6am wake up
7am 1 cup whole oats, 1 apple, 1tbsp almonds, 1tbsp flax seed
10am 0.5 c yoghurt and 0.5 c berries
11.20 Berry tea and apple from lunch
12 Lunch 2 cups lettuce, 1 tomato, cucumber. 150g chicken breast grilled, Coachesdressing
2pm orange
6.40 120g steak,.75 c cauliflower, .25 c cabbage
9pm wildberry tea
2.7 litres + herbal teas
6am wake up
7am 1 cup whole oats, 1 apple, 1tbsp almonds, 1tbsp flax seed
10am 0.5 c yoghurt and 0.5 c berries
11.20 Berry tea and apple from lunch
12 Lunch 2 cups lettuce, 1 tomato, cucumber. 150g chicken breast grilled, Coachesdressing
2pm orange
6.40 120g steak,.75 c cauliflower, .25 c cabbage
9pm wildberry tea
2.7 litres + herbal teas
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Day 13 - 30 kg down today
I started this journey back in Oct 08 at 128 and this morning weighed in at 97.8, that's 30.2 kg down, so woohoo, another milestone to have a wee trumpet about (cant drink to it, just gotta blog to it..!). On this program so far I have lost 4 kg in 13 days which is about 8.8 pounds I think
Feeling very relaxed this rest day, just had lunch in a frends garden between the spring showers. made some lovely focacia bread (ate none!) and sat and ate my salad with the tuna and kidney beans etc, it was yum! Took my herbal tea, it was was good, except I forgot the peppers but it gave me more practice in taking all my food bits with me. I have a full day out tommorow in another city, so I have to take the whole day excluding brerakfast and dinner with me. No worries, just plan it all tonight.
Wake up at 7am, feeling fresh as a daisy! No aches, no pains.
8am breakfast
Smoothie 1c water, 1 banana, 1c berries, 1/2cwhole flake oats, 4TBSP plain low fat yoghurt, 1 TBSP flax seeds, 40 grams vanilla whey protein powder. Had 1/2 of that. 1 Golden kiwifruit tea
10.30 am snack, other half of smoothie
12 golden kiwifruit tea
1pm Lunch .95 grams tuna in water, 2 cups lettuce, 1 tomato, 1/2 cup cucumber, 1/4 cup red kindney beans, Coaches dressing. 1 apple (forgot to take the peppers with me, had in afternoon to make up)1x golden kiwifruit tea
3.30 afternoon tea 70grams salmon, 1/2 c carrot, 1/2c up green and red peppers, celery. 1 TBSP peanut butter.
Dinner 6.45pm 1 tomato, 120g steak with no fat, 1/4 cup cooked cabbage and 3/4 cup asparagus
7.40 1x wildberry tea
None - rest day
3litres plus 4 herbal teas
Feeling very relaxed this rest day, just had lunch in a frends garden between the spring showers. made some lovely focacia bread (ate none!) and sat and ate my salad with the tuna and kidney beans etc, it was yum! Took my herbal tea, it was was good, except I forgot the peppers but it gave me more practice in taking all my food bits with me. I have a full day out tommorow in another city, so I have to take the whole day excluding brerakfast and dinner with me. No worries, just plan it all tonight.
Wake up at 7am, feeling fresh as a daisy! No aches, no pains.
8am breakfast
Smoothie 1c water, 1 banana, 1c berries, 1/2cwhole flake oats, 4TBSP plain low fat yoghurt, 1 TBSP flax seeds, 40 grams vanilla whey protein powder. Had 1/2 of that. 1 Golden kiwifruit tea
10.30 am snack, other half of smoothie
12 golden kiwifruit tea
1pm Lunch .95 grams tuna in water, 2 cups lettuce, 1 tomato, 1/2 cup cucumber, 1/4 cup red kindney beans, Coaches dressing. 1 apple (forgot to take the peppers with me, had in afternoon to make up)1x golden kiwifruit tea
3.30 afternoon tea 70grams salmon, 1/2 c carrot, 1/2c up green and red peppers, celery. 1 TBSP peanut butter.
Dinner 6.45pm 1 tomato, 120g steak with no fat, 1/4 cup cooked cabbage and 3/4 cup asparagus
7.40 1x wildberry tea
None - rest day
3litres plus 4 herbal teas
Friday, September 25, 2009
FLP Day 12 - less cellulite?!!!
Can it be? There is less cellulite on my thighs, I am sure of it! On the front of my thighs, the skin feels firmer and flat. It used to feel bumpy and ridgey from I guess the fat and/or cellulite underneath. There's still plenty of bumpy bits on the rest of my legs but I cant believe this change, I never expected this. My fat cells must be reducing due to the detoxing of the crap. This is incredible!
I have changed back to my actual day number, as the leap day I devised was not going to work in practice, so today was actually my last day of the week for excercise, as it is actually Friday here today and yes, I've done five days exercise, so rest day for me tommorow. Think I will really appreciate that, last week I wondered how I'd cope wth not working out, this week I know I need it to recover. I have a slightly pulled muscle in the left inner thigh, a couple of days will help rest that, as family fun cardio is only walking this Sunday. Today I did not lose weight, nor gain it. I am at 98.3, just 300 grams until I have lost 30 kgs since I started Oct 2008. I am seeing a pattern here, the day after the high protein (smoothie) day, I have gained or maintained weight, other days I have lost. It must be the protein building up that muscle - good! So far have lost 3.5kg (7.7 pounds) on this fat loss project and 3 cm from my waist (my personal trainer friend measures others as i always measure in the wrong place!)
Power walking up hills 5 min warm up. 2 mins max intensity, medium power for 2.15 mins x3
No warm down, straight to strength after a glass of water
Shoulder Squat (with 2.5 kg weights) (taking elbows to knees, deep, really focussing on form) 20,20,20
Step Ups (with 2.5 kg weights) using alternate legs 20,20,20
Push Ups (real push ups on toes) 14 (+5% deeper than yesterday),14 (+5% deeper than yesterday),14 (+10% deeper than yesterday) to failure. gettin lower and stronger on the pushups each day, proabably at about 30% of where they should be, not bad considering I could not do thm at all five days ago, GOAL end of week 3 to get reasonable form)
Burpees with dumbells (no jump) done with 1 kg weights 15,15,15
Bench Dip (on chair with crossed feet) 13, 13 (to failure), 12 (to failure)
Get ups with 1x 2.5 kg weight with straight arm up, alternating arms 20,20,20
rest 60 seconds between cicuits
Wake up 6.30am
Breakfast 7.30am 1c whole oats, 1TBSP sliced almonds, 1 TBSP flax seed, little cinnamon, 1x apple.
(Oh I love this oatmeal! My husband even likes it, I made him a smaller version in case he did not like it and he liked it too. He said he could defintely eat this food, in between the fattening things! (his words..!) LOL)
11 Morning tea
1/2c plain low fat yoghurt + 1/2 c frozen raspberries
Lunch 1.30 150 grams chicken breast grilled, 2 cups lettuce, 1 tomato, .5 c cucumber (for the cucumber i left out by mistake yesterday) Coaches salad dressing. 1 orange
3.30 pm Afternoon tea. 1 tsp peanut butter, 1 apple
2x herbal teas
6pm Dinner Steak 150 grams, no fat. 1.5 c brocolli and cauliflower. 1 tomato.
FLUIDS 3.5 litres water + 2x herbal teas
...goodnight! rest day tommorow...heavenly...
I have changed back to my actual day number, as the leap day I devised was not going to work in practice, so today was actually my last day of the week for excercise, as it is actually Friday here today and yes, I've done five days exercise, so rest day for me tommorow. Think I will really appreciate that, last week I wondered how I'd cope wth not working out, this week I know I need it to recover. I have a slightly pulled muscle in the left inner thigh, a couple of days will help rest that, as family fun cardio is only walking this Sunday. Today I did not lose weight, nor gain it. I am at 98.3, just 300 grams until I have lost 30 kgs since I started Oct 2008. I am seeing a pattern here, the day after the high protein (smoothie) day, I have gained or maintained weight, other days I have lost. It must be the protein building up that muscle - good! So far have lost 3.5kg (7.7 pounds) on this fat loss project and 3 cm from my waist (my personal trainer friend measures others as i always measure in the wrong place!)
Power walking up hills 5 min warm up. 2 mins max intensity, medium power for 2.15 mins x3
No warm down, straight to strength after a glass of water
Shoulder Squat (with 2.5 kg weights) (taking elbows to knees, deep, really focussing on form) 20,20,20
Step Ups (with 2.5 kg weights) using alternate legs 20,20,20
Push Ups (real push ups on toes) 14 (+5% deeper than yesterday),14 (+5% deeper than yesterday),14 (+10% deeper than yesterday) to failure. gettin lower and stronger on the pushups each day, proabably at about 30% of where they should be, not bad considering I could not do thm at all five days ago, GOAL end of week 3 to get reasonable form)
Burpees with dumbells (no jump) done with 1 kg weights 15,15,15
Bench Dip (on chair with crossed feet) 13, 13 (to failure), 12 (to failure)
Get ups with 1x 2.5 kg weight with straight arm up, alternating arms 20,20,20
rest 60 seconds between cicuits
Wake up 6.30am
Breakfast 7.30am 1c whole oats, 1TBSP sliced almonds, 1 TBSP flax seed, little cinnamon, 1x apple.
(Oh I love this oatmeal! My husband even likes it, I made him a smaller version in case he did not like it and he liked it too. He said he could defintely eat this food, in between the fattening things! (his words..!) LOL)
11 Morning tea
1/2c plain low fat yoghurt + 1/2 c frozen raspberries
Lunch 1.30 150 grams chicken breast grilled, 2 cups lettuce, 1 tomato, .5 c cucumber (for the cucumber i left out by mistake yesterday) Coaches salad dressing. 1 orange
3.30 pm Afternoon tea. 1 tsp peanut butter, 1 apple
2x herbal teas
6pm Dinner Steak 150 grams, no fat. 1.5 c brocolli and cauliflower. 1 tomato.
FLUIDS 3.5 litres water + 2x herbal teas
...goodnight! rest day tommorow...heavenly...
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Fat Loss Day 10 (clothes breakthrough day!)
Good morning! I went to bed at 8pm last night and woke up feeling refreshed and energised, thank goodness! And my weight which was up yesterday 400 grams, was DOWN today 800 grams, woohoo!
Had a major breakthrough clothes wise yesterday, that I was too tired to blog about then. I have a big warm jacket that I have had for more than 12 years now. When I brought it, I could not do up the last two bottom buttons, but thought I would lose weight walking on the beach and it would fit (and that was the biggest warm jacket I could find..). Anyway since then I have never fitted that jacket. Less buttons could do up as time went on and when I had to wear a warm jacket (which is not often here thankfully), I would hold it together at the front with my hand, unable to be done up. Just pretend I forgot to do it up on a cold rainy day..yeah right...Anyway it was a cold and blustery spring storm yesterday and I had to get the kids from school. I got my jacket out and put it on and suddenly realised I had done up the zip and the domes on the thing, it fitted easily! Wow! This is my 99 kg breakthrough memory
Also noticed front of thighs feel firmer and (side of waist) obliques? feel firmer. Put on a pair of size 18 pants this morning a friend had given me and they fit easily now, a year ago I could not get these pants past my knees! A couple of weeks ago, I could just get them on but they looked and felt very very tight, I could not bend in them really (or breathe..). Now they fit good! Yay, a new pair of pants!
Wake Up 6.30am
breakfast 7.30 am
Smoothie 1c water, 1 banana, 1c berries, 1/2cwhole flake oats, 4TBSP plain low fat yoghurt, 1 TBSP flax seeds, 40 grams vanilla whey protein powder (now I have just learnt it has artificial sweetener in it, growl..oh well use this one til it's gone and then find a better more natural one) Had 1/2 of that
10.30am Other half of smoothie. 1x golden kiwifruit tea
1.30pm 95g tinned tuna in water, 1TSP olive oil +lemon. 1/4 c green and rd pepper, 1/4 c kidney beans. 1 apple (just realised at 9pm I forgot the cucumber!)
Afternoon tea 4.20 pm 70 grams chicken breast grilled. 1 small carrot, 1.5c broc, celery cauli and 1TBSP peanut butter (had no oil dressing at dinner to substitute as the raw celery, brocolli etc really needed a dip, and the PB was perfect (again). Feijoa herbal tea
Dinner 7pm Salmon 150 grams, 1 tomato, 1c buttercrunch lettuce, 1c cooked brocolli
8.30pm 1x feijoa tea
FLUIDS 3.5 litres + herbal tea x3
5 min warm up (Les Mills Step warmup track)
Elliptical on resistance no 4 High power for 2 mins, medium power for 2.15 mins x3
No warm down, straight to strength after a glass of water
Shoulder Squat (with 2.5 kg weights) (taking elbows to knees, deep, really focussing on form) 18,19,19
Step Ups (with 2.5 kg weights) using alternate legs 18,18,18
Push Ups (real push ups on toes) 10 (+5% deeper than yesterday),10 (+10% deeper than yesterday),9 (+5% deeper than yesterday) to failure. Pushups are continuing to improve daily, GOAL end of week 3 to get reasonable form)
Burpees with dumbells (no jump) done with 1 kg weights 14,13,15
Bench Dip (on chair with crossed feet) 11(to failure), 10 (to failure), 11 (to failure)
Get ups with 1x 2.5 kg weight with straight arm up, alternating arms 19,19,19
rest 60 seconds between cicuits
The saying goes "only men and horses sweat, ladies "perspire". These workouts make me sweat like a horse, which is good, I know it's working!
Had a major breakthrough clothes wise yesterday, that I was too tired to blog about then. I have a big warm jacket that I have had for more than 12 years now. When I brought it, I could not do up the last two bottom buttons, but thought I would lose weight walking on the beach and it would fit (and that was the biggest warm jacket I could find..). Anyway since then I have never fitted that jacket. Less buttons could do up as time went on and when I had to wear a warm jacket (which is not often here thankfully), I would hold it together at the front with my hand, unable to be done up. Just pretend I forgot to do it up on a cold rainy day..yeah right...Anyway it was a cold and blustery spring storm yesterday and I had to get the kids from school. I got my jacket out and put it on and suddenly realised I had done up the zip and the domes on the thing, it fitted easily! Wow! This is my 99 kg breakthrough memory
Also noticed front of thighs feel firmer and (side of waist) obliques? feel firmer. Put on a pair of size 18 pants this morning a friend had given me and they fit easily now, a year ago I could not get these pants past my knees! A couple of weeks ago, I could just get them on but they looked and felt very very tight, I could not bend in them really (or breathe..). Now they fit good! Yay, a new pair of pants!
Wake Up 6.30am
breakfast 7.30 am
Smoothie 1c water, 1 banana, 1c berries, 1/2cwhole flake oats, 4TBSP plain low fat yoghurt, 1 TBSP flax seeds, 40 grams vanilla whey protein powder (now I have just learnt it has artificial sweetener in it, growl..oh well use this one til it's gone and then find a better more natural one) Had 1/2 of that
10.30am Other half of smoothie. 1x golden kiwifruit tea
1.30pm 95g tinned tuna in water, 1TSP olive oil +lemon. 1/4 c green and rd pepper, 1/4 c kidney beans. 1 apple (just realised at 9pm I forgot the cucumber!)
Afternoon tea 4.20 pm 70 grams chicken breast grilled. 1 small carrot, 1.5c broc, celery cauli and 1TBSP peanut butter (had no oil dressing at dinner to substitute as the raw celery, brocolli etc really needed a dip, and the PB was perfect (again). Feijoa herbal tea
Dinner 7pm Salmon 150 grams, 1 tomato, 1c buttercrunch lettuce, 1c cooked brocolli
8.30pm 1x feijoa tea
FLUIDS 3.5 litres + herbal tea x3
5 min warm up (Les Mills Step warmup track)
Elliptical on resistance no 4 High power for 2 mins, medium power for 2.15 mins x3
No warm down, straight to strength after a glass of water
Shoulder Squat (with 2.5 kg weights) (taking elbows to knees, deep, really focussing on form) 18,19,19
Step Ups (with 2.5 kg weights) using alternate legs 18,18,18
Push Ups (real push ups on toes) 10 (+5% deeper than yesterday),10 (+10% deeper than yesterday),9 (+5% deeper than yesterday) to failure. Pushups are continuing to improve daily, GOAL end of week 3 to get reasonable form)
Burpees with dumbells (no jump) done with 1 kg weights 14,13,15
Bench Dip (on chair with crossed feet) 11(to failure), 10 (to failure), 11 (to failure)
Get ups with 1x 2.5 kg weight with straight arm up, alternating arms 19,19,19
rest 60 seconds between cicuits
The saying goes "only men and horses sweat, ladies "perspire". These workouts make me sweat like a horse, which is good, I know it's working!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Day 9 - complete
10.30 am Finding the workouts even harder this week as doing advanced versions of last week, so challenging me. Shaking a bit, just finished, took 1 whole hour today, usually 45 mins. Had low energy before i started. Decided no need to add weight to squats as i am doing them very deeply and find 17 is challenging this way.
6.15pm. Feeling quite shattered still. Will be going to bed as soon as possible. Had a hot bath and it helped the aches a bit. Hope I am feeling better/less aching and more energised tommorow, none the less I did it all.
Although this is titled day 9, it's actually my 10th day and Wednesday here. Right now I am feeling glad only two more exercise days before rest on Sat. Usually I like it, but just right now feeling so tired. Those harder pushups and tricep dips have me sore. I've been through this before when i started other new tough exercises that I had never done before and I have about 3 days aching and then I come right. Day 4 in the morning, so hopefully better.
EXERCISE 9.15 -10.15
5 min warm up (Les Mills Pump warmup track)
Elliptical on resistance no 4 High power for 2 mins, medium power for 2.15 mins
No warm down, straight to strength after a glass of water
Shoulder Squat (with 2.5 kg weights) (taking elbows to knees, deep, really focussing on form) 17,18,17
Step Ups (with 2.5 kg weights) using alternate legs 17,17,17
Push Ups (real push ups on toes) 9 (to failure),10 (+5% deeper than yesterday),9 (+10% deeper than yesterday) Pushups are improving daily, GOAL end of week 3 to get reasonable form)
Burpees with dumbells (no jump) done with 1 kg weights 13,13,12
Bench Dip (on chair with crossed feet) 10(to failure), 11 (to failure), 10 (to failure)
Get ups with 1x 2.5 kg weight with straight arm up, alternating arms 18,18,18
rest 60 seconds between cicuits
6am wake up early for some stupid reason
7.15 breakfast Breakfast 7.45am 1c whole oats, 1TBSP sliced almonds, 1 TBSP flax seed, 1x apple. 1x golden kiwifruit tea
11 morning tea
1/2 cup lowfat plain yoghurt. 1/2c berries
12.50 Banana (needed the energy boost). 160 grams grilled chicken breast. 2 cups lettuce. 1/4 c carrot grated carrot, 1/4 cup red and green pepper, 1/2 c tomato. Wildberry tea
3.45 pm afternoon tea
1tsp peanut butter. 1 apple. 1x wildberry tea
150 grams chicken, 1 cup mixed brocolli and cauliflower and brussell sprout. No salad, just too full/tired tonight to eat anymore.
FLUIDS 3.2 litres water + 3 herbal teas
6.15pm. Feeling quite shattered still. Will be going to bed as soon as possible. Had a hot bath and it helped the aches a bit. Hope I am feeling better/less aching and more energised tommorow, none the less I did it all.
Although this is titled day 9, it's actually my 10th day and Wednesday here. Right now I am feeling glad only two more exercise days before rest on Sat. Usually I like it, but just right now feeling so tired. Those harder pushups and tricep dips have me sore. I've been through this before when i started other new tough exercises that I had never done before and I have about 3 days aching and then I come right. Day 4 in the morning, so hopefully better.
EXERCISE 9.15 -10.15
5 min warm up (Les Mills Pump warmup track)
Elliptical on resistance no 4 High power for 2 mins, medium power for 2.15 mins
No warm down, straight to strength after a glass of water
Shoulder Squat (with 2.5 kg weights) (taking elbows to knees, deep, really focussing on form) 17,18,17
Step Ups (with 2.5 kg weights) using alternate legs 17,17,17
Push Ups (real push ups on toes) 9 (to failure),10 (+5% deeper than yesterday),9 (+10% deeper than yesterday) Pushups are improving daily, GOAL end of week 3 to get reasonable form)
Burpees with dumbells (no jump) done with 1 kg weights 13,13,12
Bench Dip (on chair with crossed feet) 10(to failure), 11 (to failure), 10 (to failure)
Get ups with 1x 2.5 kg weight with straight arm up, alternating arms 18,18,18
rest 60 seconds between cicuits
6am wake up early for some stupid reason
7.15 breakfast Breakfast 7.45am 1c whole oats, 1TBSP sliced almonds, 1 TBSP flax seed, 1x apple. 1x golden kiwifruit tea
11 morning tea
1/2 cup lowfat plain yoghurt. 1/2c berries
12.50 Banana (needed the energy boost). 160 grams grilled chicken breast. 2 cups lettuce. 1/4 c carrot grated carrot, 1/4 cup red and green pepper, 1/2 c tomato. Wildberry tea
3.45 pm afternoon tea
1tsp peanut butter. 1 apple. 1x wildberry tea
150 grams chicken, 1 cup mixed brocolli and cauliflower and brussell sprout. No salad, just too full/tired tonight to eat anymore.
FLUIDS 3.2 litres water + 3 herbal teas
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Fat Loss project day 8.5 (Tuesday for me, Monday for you) complete
Trying this leap day thing, let's see if it helps the timezone thing. May be confusing when i ahve a rest on Sat and cardio fun on Sun and you're still on friday and Sat..oh well...As long as i push my self further each day, i reckon it will be even stevens.
Phew! heaps of food on the menu for me today, loads of protein! t was a struggle to eat it all but did not want to miss anything, knowing it is all good and with it's own special purpose
QUESTION on the carrots, is it still just1/2 c of carrot and the remaining 1.5 - 2c the other stuff (celery, broc, cauli)?
Lost another 300 grams this morning, so that is now 3.1 kg (6.8 pounds).
10.30am Just finished workout shaking a bit, which is a sign I worked hard , excuse the shaky typing! Now end of day, feeling the sorest I've felt and quite tired, ready for bed...
Wake up 7am
breakfast 7.30 am
Smoothie 1c water, 1 banana, 1c berries, 1/2cwhole flake oats, 4TBSP plain low fat yoghurt, 1 TBSP flax seeds, 40 grams vanilla whey protein powder (nice considering no milk in it, tasted like there was?!)
Had 1/2 of that
10.30am Other half of smoothie. 1x golden kiwifruit tea
1pm Super yummy salad, woudl never have though to put red kidney beans in a green salad..(and would never thought I would say that about a salad...!) 95g tinned tuna, 1TSP olive oil (oops I put the leamon in out of sheer habit, hope that is OK). 1/4 c green and rd pepper, 1/4 c kidney beans. 1 apple (need to go buy the cucumber, will pop that in the afternoon tea)
Afternoon tea 4 pm 75 grams chicken breast grilled. 1/2 c cucumber (from lunch, hope this is about equal size to one dill pickle?!) 1.4c carrot, 1.5c broc, celery cauli and 1TBSP peanut butter (had no oil dressing at dinner to substitute as the raw celery, brocolli etc really needed a dip, and the PB was perfect
Dinner 7pm Gurnard fish 150 grams, 1 tomato, no lettuce (too full) 1c cooked brocolli
8.30pm 1x wildberry tea
FLUIDS 3.4 litres (creature of habit?!) + herbal tea x2
EXERCISE 9.15am-10.15am
5 min warm up (Les Mills Step)
Elliptical on resistance no 4 High power for 2 mins, medium power for 2.30 mins
No warm down, straight to strength after a glass of water
Shoulder Squat (with 2.5 kg weights) (taking elbows to knees, really focussing on form) 16,16,16
Step Ups (with 2.5 kg weights) using alternate legs 16,16,16
Push Ups (real push ups on toes) 9,9,9
(2nd time now I've ever done pushups, they were about 10% "deeper" than yesterday, imporoved, but still need to build this up a lot, GOAL end of week 3 to get reasonable form)
Burpees with dumbells (no jump) done with 1 kg weights 12,12,12
Bench Dip (yesterday feet were uncrossed on chair, today CROSSED) 11, 10 (to failure), 11 (to failure)
Get ups with 1x 2.5 kg weight with straight arm up, alternating arms 16,16,16
Sweating, worked really hard!
rest 60 seconds (those 60 second rests were real short today..! but made it)
Phew! heaps of food on the menu for me today, loads of protein! t was a struggle to eat it all but did not want to miss anything, knowing it is all good and with it's own special purpose
QUESTION on the carrots, is it still just1/2 c of carrot and the remaining 1.5 - 2c the other stuff (celery, broc, cauli)?
Lost another 300 grams this morning, so that is now 3.1 kg (6.8 pounds).
10.30am Just finished workout shaking a bit, which is a sign I worked hard , excuse the shaky typing! Now end of day, feeling the sorest I've felt and quite tired, ready for bed...
Wake up 7am
breakfast 7.30 am
Smoothie 1c water, 1 banana, 1c berries, 1/2cwhole flake oats, 4TBSP plain low fat yoghurt, 1 TBSP flax seeds, 40 grams vanilla whey protein powder (nice considering no milk in it, tasted like there was?!)
Had 1/2 of that
10.30am Other half of smoothie. 1x golden kiwifruit tea
1pm Super yummy salad, woudl never have though to put red kidney beans in a green salad..(and would never thought I would say that about a salad...!) 95g tinned tuna, 1TSP olive oil (oops I put the leamon in out of sheer habit, hope that is OK). 1/4 c green and rd pepper, 1/4 c kidney beans. 1 apple (need to go buy the cucumber, will pop that in the afternoon tea)
Afternoon tea 4 pm 75 grams chicken breast grilled. 1/2 c cucumber (from lunch, hope this is about equal size to one dill pickle?!) 1.4c carrot, 1.5c broc, celery cauli and 1TBSP peanut butter (had no oil dressing at dinner to substitute as the raw celery, brocolli etc really needed a dip, and the PB was perfect
Dinner 7pm Gurnard fish 150 grams, 1 tomato, no lettuce (too full) 1c cooked brocolli
8.30pm 1x wildberry tea
FLUIDS 3.4 litres (creature of habit?!) + herbal tea x2
EXERCISE 9.15am-10.15am
5 min warm up (Les Mills Step)
Elliptical on resistance no 4 High power for 2 mins, medium power for 2.30 mins
No warm down, straight to strength after a glass of water
Shoulder Squat (with 2.5 kg weights) (taking elbows to knees, really focussing on form) 16,16,16
Step Ups (with 2.5 kg weights) using alternate legs 16,16,16
Push Ups (real push ups on toes) 9,9,9
(2nd time now I've ever done pushups, they were about 10% "deeper" than yesterday, imporoved, but still need to build this up a lot, GOAL end of week 3 to get reasonable form)
Burpees with dumbells (no jump) done with 1 kg weights 12,12,12
Bench Dip (yesterday feet were uncrossed on chair, today CROSSED) 11, 10 (to failure), 11 (to failure)
Get ups with 1x 2.5 kg weight with straight arm up, alternating arms 16,16,16
Sweating, worked really hard!
rest 60 seconds (those 60 second rests were real short today..! but made it)
Monday, September 21, 2009
Fat Loss Project Day 8 Monday - complete
Wake up 6.40am
Breakfast 7.45am 1c whole oats, 1TBSP sliced almonds, 1 TBSP flax seed, little cinnamon, 1x apple. 1x golden kiwifruit tea
10.45 Morning tea
1/2c plain low fat yoghurt + 1/2 c frozen blueberries
12.30 Lunch
2 c lettuce with 3/4 c tomato, 1/4 c carrot grated, Coachs dressing, 95 grams tinned tuna. 1x apple.
2.45 Afternoon tea
1 apple,
4.45 1tsp peanut butter
Dinner 6.10 pm 150grams fish (gurnard), 1.5 c lettuce, 1 tomato, 1.5c brocolli
FLUIDS 3.2 litres + herbal teas
Exercise 9am-9.50am
Cardio (power walking up hills). 5 min warm up. High power for 2 mins, medium power for 2.30 mins
No warm down, straight to strength after a glass of water
Shoulder Squat (with 2.5 kg weights) (taking elbows to knees) 15,15,15
Step Ups (with 2.5 kg weights) using alternate legs 15,15,15
Push Ups (real push ups on toes) 8,8,8
(I have never been able to do a "real" push up before so this was a first I have been trying to get to for some time now, but the form was weak and not especialy deep in the elbow bending, but none the less very challenging which is the whole point. I was thrilled to 8, will work on getting the form better and pushups deeper this week)
Burpees with dumbells (no jump) done with 1 kg weights 10,10,10
Bench Dip (feet uncrossed on chair) 10, 10 (to failure), 10 (to failure)
Get ups with 1x 2.5 kg weight with straight arm up, alternating arms 15,15,15
rest 60 seconds
QUESTION ON WEIGHTS Coach, you mention in your email, if you can do more, to increase your weights. My bigger weights are those round plates you put on a bar, not dumbell style. Do you think I should do the squats with more weight using the bar on the back of neck? In Pump I was doing 10kgs a side for the squat track, but I dont have that much weight at home and I could not afford to buy it (you'd think the plates were gold..). The max I can got to is 7kgs a side with the weight I have at home, or hopefully borrow more even more weight from my friend who owns a gym. I am squatting more deeply than I normally do in Pump though, could not see me being able to touch elbows to knees with 10kgs on each side, I'd fall over. I could also hopefully borrow the dumbell bars from my friend and add my borrowed plates to that as well. i'd love to buy some as I know I'd use them, but just not financially possible right now. What would be best? I will try to make it happen.
Breakfast 7.45am 1c whole oats, 1TBSP sliced almonds, 1 TBSP flax seed, little cinnamon, 1x apple. 1x golden kiwifruit tea
10.45 Morning tea
1/2c plain low fat yoghurt + 1/2 c frozen blueberries
12.30 Lunch
2 c lettuce with 3/4 c tomato, 1/4 c carrot grated, Coachs dressing, 95 grams tinned tuna. 1x apple.
2.45 Afternoon tea
1 apple,
4.45 1tsp peanut butter
Dinner 6.10 pm 150grams fish (gurnard), 1.5 c lettuce, 1 tomato, 1.5c brocolli
FLUIDS 3.2 litres + herbal teas
Exercise 9am-9.50am
Cardio (power walking up hills). 5 min warm up. High power for 2 mins, medium power for 2.30 mins
No warm down, straight to strength after a glass of water
Shoulder Squat (with 2.5 kg weights) (taking elbows to knees) 15,15,15
Step Ups (with 2.5 kg weights) using alternate legs 15,15,15
Push Ups (real push ups on toes) 8,8,8
(I have never been able to do a "real" push up before so this was a first I have been trying to get to for some time now, but the form was weak and not especialy deep in the elbow bending, but none the less very challenging which is the whole point. I was thrilled to 8, will work on getting the form better and pushups deeper this week)
Burpees with dumbells (no jump) done with 1 kg weights 10,10,10
Bench Dip (feet uncrossed on chair) 10, 10 (to failure), 10 (to failure)
Get ups with 1x 2.5 kg weight with straight arm up, alternating arms 15,15,15
rest 60 seconds
QUESTION ON WEIGHTS Coach, you mention in your email, if you can do more, to increase your weights. My bigger weights are those round plates you put on a bar, not dumbell style. Do you think I should do the squats with more weight using the bar on the back of neck? In Pump I was doing 10kgs a side for the squat track, but I dont have that much weight at home and I could not afford to buy it (you'd think the plates were gold..). The max I can got to is 7kgs a side with the weight I have at home, or hopefully borrow more even more weight from my friend who owns a gym. I am squatting more deeply than I normally do in Pump though, could not see me being able to touch elbows to knees with 10kgs on each side, I'd fall over. I could also hopefully borrow the dumbell bars from my friend and add my borrowed plates to that as well. i'd love to buy some as I know I'd use them, but just not financially possible right now. What would be best? I will try to make it happen.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
FLP Day 7 (complete)
Wake up 7.20am
Breakfast 8.45
1c whole oatmeal, 1 TBSP almonds, 1 TBSP flax seed, 1grated apples. 1x golden kiwifruit tea
Morning tea 10.30 am 1/2 cup plain low fat yoghurt with 1/2 frozen blueberries (at the beach carpark).
12.00 (on the beach) Lunch. 1 c lettuce with 1 c tomato, 95 grams tinned tuna (was in oil but I tipped it all off and did not use salad dressing either) . 1 orange.
2.30 pm (late..) apple at the beach
4pm 1 tsp peanut butter
5pm Dinner 150grams rump steak with no fat on it. 1.5 c lettuce. 0.5 c tomato. .25c carrot grated, or less... 2x mixed biled brocolli and cauliflower
6.30pm 1x golden kiwifruit tea
FLUIDS 2.8 lites water
EXERCISE: Family fun day. See my post on Family Fun Day ideas (coming soon!)
Hike to Cathedral Cove beach and back, 45 minutes down hill and a 45+ minutes back up!
Then walk out to gather pipis and cockles at another beach 10 minute slow walk out over shelly sharp sand and 10 minute slow walk back. More on our family fun day here, and pics to come!
Breakfast 8.45
1c whole oatmeal, 1 TBSP almonds, 1 TBSP flax seed, 1grated apples. 1x golden kiwifruit tea
Morning tea 10.30 am 1/2 cup plain low fat yoghurt with 1/2 frozen blueberries (at the beach carpark).
12.00 (on the beach) Lunch. 1 c lettuce with 1 c tomato, 95 grams tinned tuna (was in oil but I tipped it all off and did not use salad dressing either) . 1 orange.
2.30 pm (late..) apple at the beach
4pm 1 tsp peanut butter
5pm Dinner 150grams rump steak with no fat on it. 1.5 c lettuce. 0.5 c tomato. .25c carrot grated, or less... 2x mixed biled brocolli and cauliflower
6.30pm 1x golden kiwifruit tea
FLUIDS 2.8 lites water
EXERCISE: Family fun day. See my post on Family Fun Day ideas (coming soon!)
Hike to Cathedral Cove beach and back, 45 minutes down hill and a 45+ minutes back up!
Then walk out to gather pipis and cockles at another beach 10 minute slow walk out over shelly sharp sand and 10 minute slow walk back. More on our family fun day here, and pics to come!
Our first Fat Loss Project Family Fun Cardio Day - Hike to Cathedral Cove
The Cove is a lovely place, it was used as a location in the Narnia movie Prince Caspian and several other movies and is famous for it's Cathedral like Cove through which you walk to yet another white sand beach. The whole coast there is a marine reserve, so apparently the snorkling is great (too cold to find out in September/Spring!)
There were people there from all over the world, who had sought out the place and been game to do the walk. I was chatting to a German tourist who had travelled all over the world and he said NZ was the most beautiful country he had seen, and the people were the friendliest, it is so clean here he said. This guy had toured a lot of Europe and he still said that, so what a great ad for New Zealand.
The loos (toilets/bathrooms) were awesome, like a treehouse just back from the beach with windows up high enough that those on the beach could not see in, but those "on the job" get a "loo with a view" out the window through the ancient pohutakawa trees to the blue sea. Amazing! Did not want to leave the loo!
The kids did well getting back up the hill. We have had them in training somewhat with walking to and from school (up hills) and walking to Thames (hills..) and on Sunday we had started walking to the park or cafe.
Then we drove to another beach (which will remain nameless) in protection of it’s shellfish treasures and we walked out to collect shellfish (pipis and cockles). It's a ten minute walk out fairly slowly as you have to pick a safe path between the very sharp shells and the sand in your barefeet. Ten minutes out plus 10 minutes back carrying the now half full bucket.
It's a 1.5 hour drive each way over scenic but windy hilly roads from where we live in Thames, which is also on the Coromandel Peninsula, but on the other side.
So we had a great day! And now we have lots more planned too! It was great to do things that did not revolve around food.
I’ll pop another post in soon listing all the activities we came up with so far to help give you ideas, but getting them involved with the decision was really great, it was our first family brainstorm too!
Below is a picture of a pohutakawa tree in flower (on Waiheke Island) that I found on the internet. They flower at Christmas. Nice to share some of New Zealand with you all.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Fat Loss project day six, Saturday, rest day (complete)
Wake up 7am
Breakfast 8.10 am (now that was too long after waking up, I was too relaxed on the weekend. I started to feel hungry and I prefer to keep everything stable so I never actually feel hungry, so lesson learned!)
1c whole oatmeal, 1 TBSP almonds, 1 TBSP flax seed, 2 tiny little grated apples (= 1 normal apple) 1x golend kiwifruit tea
Monring tea 10.30 am 1/2 cup plain low fat yoghurt with 1/2 frozen blueberries. 1x golden kiwifruit tea
1.10 Lunch 2 c lettuce with 1x tomato, 170 grams chickn. 1 orange. 1 golden kiwifruit tea
4.45 pm (late..) apple + 1 tsp peanut butter
7pm 140g rump steak (no fat) 1.5 c lettuce, 1/2 c tomato approx . 1.5 c brocolli
7.45 1x kiwifruit tea
EXERCISE: None planned, rest day!
FLUIDS: Over 3.4 litres
Breakfast 8.10 am (now that was too long after waking up, I was too relaxed on the weekend. I started to feel hungry and I prefer to keep everything stable so I never actually feel hungry, so lesson learned!)
1c whole oatmeal, 1 TBSP almonds, 1 TBSP flax seed, 2 tiny little grated apples (= 1 normal apple) 1x golend kiwifruit tea
Monring tea 10.30 am 1/2 cup plain low fat yoghurt with 1/2 frozen blueberries. 1x golden kiwifruit tea
1.10 Lunch 2 c lettuce with 1x tomato, 170 grams chickn. 1 orange. 1 golden kiwifruit tea
4.45 pm (late..) apple + 1 tsp peanut butter
7pm 140g rump steak (no fat) 1.5 c lettuce, 1/2 c tomato approx . 1.5 c brocolli
7.45 1x kiwifruit tea
EXERCISE: None planned, rest day!
FLUIDS: Over 3.4 litres
Friday, September 18, 2009
Fat Loss Project Day 5 (complete)
Wake up 6.20am
Breakfast 7.05 am
1cup whole oats with 1 TBSP flax seeds and 1TBSP almonds and 1 grated apple all mixed in. 1x golden kiwifruit tea
10.30 1/2 cup low fat plain yoghurt + 1/2 frozen blueberries. 1x golden kiwifruit tea
12.30 Lunch 2 cups of lettuce, 170 g chicken, 1 cup tomato, Coachs dressing
1x orange. 1x goldenkiwifruit tea
Afternoon tea 3.45 Apple + 1 tsp peanut butter 1x golden kiwifruit tea
Dinner 6.30 pm 150 grams baked chicken. 1.5 c boiled veges (brocolli, cauliflower and brussell sprouts)
(no salad, not hungry for the extra)
FLUIDS: 2.9 litres + 4x golden kiwifruit teas
9.00 am commence 10.00 am approx finish
Power Walking (up medium grade hills)
5 min warm up
2 mins intense, 2.45 mins less intense x2
Prisoner Squats 3 sets 30 reps
Bench Step Ups 3 sets 15 reps
Pushups (bench) 3 sets 15,20,20 reps (to failure on last set...)
Burpees (with jump) 3 sets 14 reps
Bench Dips 3 sets 20, 20 to failure, 15 to failure
Get Ups (with hand, no weights) 3 sets 14 reps
Breakfast 7.05 am
1cup whole oats with 1 TBSP flax seeds and 1TBSP almonds and 1 grated apple all mixed in. 1x golden kiwifruit tea
10.30 1/2 cup low fat plain yoghurt + 1/2 frozen blueberries. 1x golden kiwifruit tea
12.30 Lunch 2 cups of lettuce, 170 g chicken, 1 cup tomato, Coachs dressing
1x orange. 1x goldenkiwifruit tea
Afternoon tea 3.45 Apple + 1 tsp peanut butter 1x golden kiwifruit tea
Dinner 6.30 pm 150 grams baked chicken. 1.5 c boiled veges (brocolli, cauliflower and brussell sprouts)
(no salad, not hungry for the extra)
FLUIDS: 2.9 litres + 4x golden kiwifruit teas
9.00 am commence 10.00 am approx finish
Power Walking (up medium grade hills)
5 min warm up
2 mins intense, 2.45 mins less intense x2
Prisoner Squats 3 sets 30 reps
Bench Step Ups 3 sets 15 reps
Pushups (bench) 3 sets 15,20,20 reps (to failure on last set...)
Burpees (with jump) 3 sets 14 reps
Bench Dips 3 sets 20, 20 to failure, 15 to failure
Get Ups (with hand, no weights) 3 sets 14 reps
Thursday, September 17, 2009
My identity as food
Was thinking about this as I walked the kids to put it out there for your feedback and just to get it out of my head and "on paper" as such...A large part of my social identity (to me) is food. When friends come I bake homemade quiche (low fat with edam cheese etc), I make foccaia bread and home made hummus. My pavalovas are alwasy successful and sought after down to the last crumb. I love making food from scratch for people in kinda an italian mama sort of way. I love the summer and barbeques and mediterranean eating. We dont have a lot of flash stuff, but we do eat well and we grow a lot and food is where a lot of our engergy and money goes (rather than the tapware etc...). I love having friends to stay and bubbly as we watch the the sun set over the sea from our house or garden.
So how do I disentangle this food being part of my identity?
By the same token i know we all have to eat, food is not the enemy. Food is fuel. But I see it as more than fuel, it is also warmth, friendship, acceptedness, style, even some snob value that I dont buy specialty bread, hummus or cakes, I make them. The house may less than a mansion (which I would ever want anyway to be honest) but the food and the coffee are always good!
Lately i started learning mosaics which I so love. It is the first time in more than 10 years I have pursued a hobby. Since the kids were born and even before when i was really caught up in my professional life, my hobbies dropped away that I had enjoyed as a kid and young adult, like knitting, sewing, dressmaking, scrapbooking, crochet, photography, drawing, painting etc. So now I have a new "piece" of me that is nt related to food, wine or children! I think it has been important to go down this new track and find I am able to identify with things other than food. As the creative person I have always been.
So far the journey has been physical and about goal setting and determination to live, not die. Now I am thinking about deeper things, which seems quite right seeing as I am now officially on the second half of this journey
So how do I disentangle this food being part of my identity?
By the same token i know we all have to eat, food is not the enemy. Food is fuel. But I see it as more than fuel, it is also warmth, friendship, acceptedness, style, even some snob value that I dont buy specialty bread, hummus or cakes, I make them. The house may less than a mansion (which I would ever want anyway to be honest) but the food and the coffee are always good!
Lately i started learning mosaics which I so love. It is the first time in more than 10 years I have pursued a hobby. Since the kids were born and even before when i was really caught up in my professional life, my hobbies dropped away that I had enjoyed as a kid and young adult, like knitting, sewing, dressmaking, scrapbooking, crochet, photography, drawing, painting etc. So now I have a new "piece" of me that is nt related to food, wine or children! I think it has been important to go down this new track and find I am able to identify with things other than food. As the creative person I have always been.
So far the journey has been physical and about goal setting and determination to live, not die. Now I am thinking about deeper things, which seems quite right seeing as I am now officially on the second half of this journey
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