Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday day 23 - first half portion day

Although my weightloss in cms has not stalled, my weight on the scales has for a few days now (yet I lost 2 or 3 (cant remember now) off my waist in the last week. So I am less than worried. HOWEVER, in the interests of serious butt kicking whilst I am on this for 6 weeks only out of my life, I will try the calorie cycling to experiment with the results. It has worked with me before, but I have to say I am quite happy witht he results, but why not crank it up aye?!

So today was the first half portion day of three in a row this week. Actually it was fine. I was a little wee bit hungry at times, but very little and it was soon time to eat again and there is alwasy the old water and herbal tea to fll the gap if required.

Excercise good! Loving this new routine. Wish I had some 5kg dumbells, or plates with holes for your hands though. My heaviest is only 2.5kg and I really need more. My 5 kg round plates have no hand holes and are awkward to hold, they're not designed to be held really. I need to borrow some weight off someone, the cost of those 5kg plates or dumbells is insanely high (70 +!) and I already have the irongym to get this week for $70 and it was the resistance band last week for $45. I will set up my bar with more weight and try to use the bar where poss to be able to increase weight.

Jacknife on ball 11,11,11 (they were fun, ball trying to roll and me trying to stabilise it, did not fall off...!)
Single arm band pull downs 11,11,11
Alt lunges with curl (2.5 kg weights) 18,16,14 (big improvement knee going really far down, can touch floor now, phew...!)
Pushups superset 11,11,12 (think my goal of doing pushups by end of this week, is pretty much achieved, wow!)
Dumbell bench press on ball (2.5 kg weights) 11,11,11 (as I need more weight I am also doing 10 with arms extending out to side and coming in at the top)
Squat, curl, press (2.5kg weights) 11,11,11 (double pressing at the top, to add effort as this weight is too light for me)
Bamd rotations on ball 14,11,11

FLUIDS 3 litres water + lots of hot water and hot herbal tea as cold today

FOOD (half portion day)
wake up 7.30

BF 8.15 1/2 c berries, 1/2 banana, 1//4 c oats, 2 TBSP yoghurt, 1/2 TBSP flax seeds, 1.5 scoops powder (20 grams), retained 1x of water to add extra liquid, was fine, bit runny, but I woudl rather have the extra volume. Had half.

morning tea 11.15 other half of smoothie

Lunch 1pm 1.5 c lettice, 1/8c kidney beans, 1/2 cucumber,  50g tuna, 1/2 TBSP olive oil + lemon juice, 1/8 cup capsicum + 1/2 an orange

afternoon  tea
1 ox (40 grams) grilled chicken breast. 3/4 c cauliflower raw with 1/2 TBSP peanut butter (sub oil from dinner salad)

Dinner 6.15 1/2 tomato, 95 g chicken (1.5 oz approx) 1/2c cauliflower, 1/4 cup asparagus

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