Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I have to admit on Saturday night (pre Fat Loss Project) I overindulged in my last wine and allowed myself to drink whatever I wanted, which was just over a bottle , say 7 glasses. So I ate more, so yes I probably did put on a few 100 grams over the weekend. Normally I only have half a bottle, my husband has the other half and I so limit myself to being merry and relaxed , but not totaled.

However the last 4 times this year that I have "allowed" myself to drink what i please, it has been bad news, and I become a burbling mess saying stupid things (which i dont really remember saying) and i get hungry so i eat. So in many ways i am glad there is no wine for me for the next 6 weeks.

I used to be able to drink (and eat) a lot 2 or 3 bottles a night, several nights a week. But now it looks like i can only tolerate 2 -3 glasses before I get stupid on it...Of course as my weight and fat goes down, my tolerance for alcohol will get less too. At least I'll be a cheap drunk! Sorry about poor typing, tired~!

With alchoholisim running strongly in my family, i need to really consider this all and do some serious soul searching...It's been part of my "identity" to be the "party" girl, who can drink anyone under the table and is the life of the party. Now i struggle, I just cant drink that much anymore. This is all about finding a new me not just physically, but emotionally and to have a 180% shift in my social identity is a little

hard to get my head around.

2025 update; I’m now 2.5 years alcohol free and 75 kg lighter. See update blog. 


Helen said...

Well, like I said, I love my wine. I have usually 1 glass per night. If I drink 2 (as I did on Sunday night), I feel like I've overindulged.

Ness said...

Yep, so get that about the drinking thing. Had almost 2 x bottles on Sunday night. NOT GOOD. Well done honey.

Girl Who Got Real said...

Vanessa I do admire these people who can have a glass and stop. For me it's all or nothing. Like a bag of potato chips, you cant just have one. You feel so good after the first one, you quickly get another, then suddenly you're a bit trashed...See I'd rather have none, than be limited to one, weird aye. I find it hard to find moderation in this. It is dawning on me that I must be a binge drinker, arghh! Though I dont think I am that bad (denial..?!). I am constantly more aware of this and it is occupying a bit of brain space right now.